Enviroment for Adventure games (FinalFantasy)

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1 comment, last by Dark_Guy 20 years, 9 months ago
I am currently working on an adventure game. I have a erally good idea on the story. But I have hard time creating the art. I completed several tasks such as character animation, but i noticed that I don''t have an enviroment. I want my game to look similar to Squaresofts Final Fantasy series. I noticed that the main character is a 3D model, and most of the characters are models, but the background isnt on, but the player can walk behind some of the objects, and even interract with them. Does anyone know how that can be done? Combining 3D with 2D enviroments ? I''ve heard someting about "image composition": does this have anithing to do with it ?
"Find the path, follow the Master... Follow the master, understand the master... Overcome the master !"
Having characters go behind things is done with the Z-buffer. You just load in a pre-made Z-buffer (probably a greyscale image that looks like the background, but lighter/darker depending on the distance things are from the camera (you''ll probably need a plugin for your 3D modeller to render it)), so it''s like you just rendered the world, and all the depth values are stored so when you render the characters they go behind anything that was rendered alerady and was closer to the screen than they are.
All the objects you can interact with are rendered realtime, like the characters, and the animated parts of the backgrounds are just more prerendered images that you load in.
you''re going to have to break your background image into the pieces infront or behind the characters. Then when you draw the behing background switch off the depth test glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); enable it again for your character drawing and then disable it again when you draw the infront background.
I burn cold

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