Soul calibur

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2 comments, last by zerorender 20 years, 9 months ago
Does anyone know what 3d apps namco used in this masterpiece? Did they use poser? or is it raw modelling made stuff, cus it looks great... thanks!
Just about nobody uses Poser. (Alias|Wavefront''s) Maya, (discreet''s) 3DSmax and (SoftImage''s) SoftImage|XSI are the three top contenders. Everything else is a fringe player.
Poser is an animation tool, right? quite a few people use lightwave for animations, i wouldn''t call it fringe.
You might be able to ask them. Just use whatever you like. There are only small differences between the major packages. I like maya the most.

Scott Simontis
Big Joke: C#
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