Dynamic HTML not working in Mozilla?

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19 comments, last by stefu 20 years, 9 months ago
Ok, thanks for all!
quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
just use ms internet explorer for gods sake and throw mozilla netscape whatever out the window, and you wont have any problems...

im not saying that I love microsoft, but hell I dont need to complain about alot of stuff if i do it their way..

At least mozilla is portable to more OSes than IE. Aka, I''m running linux, and can''t view ''IE only'' pages. For the most part it''s not a problem. Heck, the only thing that hasn''t worked for me was this one nerd''s homepage.... and even that had an extra script to detect that, and do something else.

Macs? Can''t use IE on those either...nope...

Mozilla? Works on windows...linux...and OSX. Also, it blocks annoying popups by default for you. Heck, even when I was still using windows (and on my laptop, which still does) I installed mozilla just ''cause it''s frickin'' easier to surf with!
quote:Original post by MaulingMonkey
Macs? Can''t use IE on those either...nope...

I thought that there is IE for Macs, and it works better that IE in windows. I might be wrong though :/
There is IE5 for Mac, but it will NEVER be updated...

Muhahahhaha *disappears in a puff of smoke*
quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster There is IE5 for Mac

Like I said... can''t use IE on Mac :-p

actually, you guys are right on this. Wow. I''m just dumbfounded that M$ of all companies would be creating ports (even if only IE5) of their software for Mac. I mean all it does is help improve the Mac system as a competitor. I am frickin'' amazed! I guess maybe they''re realizing that OSX is so much better that they''ve realized they''ll have to give up the OS market completely...:-p

I mean for christsakes, they''ve even frickin'' made ''Virtual PC for Mac''!!! OS X!!!

I am awed, amazed, and more awed.

Maybe they''re preparing to merge? :-p

ok, enough M$ bashing for now... they can''t be complete idiots, they made the MechWarrior series, after all...

I should look more into OSX....

oh yeah, and for other fellow doubters:


(hell, even the high-levelness of the directory is astounding!)
quote:Original post by MaulingMonkey
I mean for christsakes, they''ve even frickin'' made ''Virtual PC for Mac''!!! OS X!!!

Of course they would because they can then sell Virtual PC, then can sell any of their other products as well. If you expand the number of people who can use your products you expand the number of people who will.

Qui fut tout, et qui ne fut rien
Invader''s Realm
Microsoft has recently officially dropped their support of IE. In the beginning, Mac IE had better CSS support, but was worse at some other things. The Mac version is an artifact of the browser wars, when Netscape had at least a conceptual advantage because it would run on multiple platforms, the second most popular of which was Macs, which quite a few graphic designers (many of whom would become web designers later) used. Thus in order to compete for the minds of web-desginers, Microsoft ported their software to the Mac. Now that there is no longer any need for this, plus competition from Apple''s Safari browser, they''re pulling out of the Mac browser market.
---New infokeeps brain running;must gas up!
quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
just use ms internet explorer for gods sake and throw mozilla netscape whatever out the window, and you wont have any problems...

im not saying that I love microsoft, but hell I dont need to complain about alot of stuff if i do it their way..

yes! and leave you power switch in the off position then you will have no problem... lunatic..
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...

quote:Original post by MaulingMonkey I installed mozilla just ''cause it''s frickin'' easier to surf with!

Your opinion!!! How is it easier to surf with?

And those popups, stop going to those porn site''s. And if your favorite site has popups, just read them since you don''t pay for your site.

quote:Original post by guppy
yes! and leave you power switch in the off position then you will have no problem... lunatic..

What do you mean?

I think about at least 80% or more of the user, your potential clients use windows. So why the heck are you going to bother about about 20%.

[sarcasm] Yes, I''ll start a game company and devote to the linux comunity. Get real. [/sarcasm]
quote:Original post by BrownBean

quote:Original post by guppy
yes! and leave you power switch in the off position then you will have no problem... lunatic..

What do you mean?

I think about at least 80% or more of the user, your potential clients use windows. So why the heck are you going to bother about about 20%.

So what you are saying is that instead of using a standart that will work with all browsers you should use propritarian standart that won''t even work the same way on IE browsers?....

anyways what I was commenting on was AP''s "lets just abandon anything not Microsoft"-atitude

/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english
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\Take my advice - I don''''t use it...
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...

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