fractral programming with dirextX

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1 comment, last by Saurabh Torne 20 years, 9 months ago
Is anyone having any links to fractral programming with dirextX? I want to learn to make perpetual textures or whatever they are called Thankyou in advance.

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I dunno about previous versions, but the DX9 SDK has a fractal example.
You mean procedural textures.

You basically just do this(not using pixelshaders):

1. Create a texture to be used as a rendertarget.

2. Acquire the surface pointer to a level on that texture
by locking it.

3. Render the graphics by using a formula of your desire.
Any formula will do. To create motion just add a modifier that changes over time.

4. Unlock it.

5. Render your polygons using the new texture.

6. step through 2 again if you want to change the texture.

Don''t draw textures that are too big in dimensions (you are after all CPU bound in this example)
To save time you can create a texture animation instead.
You can also use pixelshaders etc...
but the basic principle is there and you should be able to do nice things with it. Remember to set the renderstates so the textures smoothes out or it will be heavily pixelated.

Good luck.

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Feel free to comment, object, laugh at or agree to this. I won''t engage in flaming because of what I have said.
I could be wrong or right but the ideas are mine.

No no no no! :)

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