From char* to int???? How???

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14 comments, last by stefan5000 20 years, 9 months ago
ASCII to integer would be logical. since it only works on ASCII strings.

i''m a lurker.
alphanumeric to integer
Array to Integer....
atoi - alpha to int.
itoa - int to alpha.

Edit: ohh and by alpha they mean a string.

An ASCII tetris clone... | AsciiRis

[edited by - Tiffany Smith on August 16, 2003 4:28:24 PM]
An ASCII tetris clone... | AsciiRis
I don''t think its alpha...

atoi = ASCII [string] To Integer
similar to...
wtoi = Wide [string] To Integer
ap is right. boost::lexical_cast converts a string into ANY other datatype without beeing noticeable slower then C''s converting functions.

our new version has many new and good features. sadly, the good ones are not new and the new ones are not good

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