I hate XOOM!

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14 comments, last by Ferinorius 23 years, 11 months ago
I hate it I hate it I hate it. I''m gonna buy my own domain name! I have been using xoom lately because I don''t know why. What else is there? what else is better? anything? anything at all? Hmm? I hate xoom, it is always down when i need to do work on it! Sorry, just a little rant, I''m sure some of you can relate to this.
You could try Geocities.. They are quite ok, (www.geocities.com) but the URL''s are terrible there. Tripod is also OK. And there are others.. But I still think the best would be to buy some space - no advertisement banners would then be required.. Ask your ISP.

I''m with you, Ferinorius.

- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
- DarkMage139
Try and find someone to host your page for free... when I needed hosting for a JediKnight page, I got free unlimited space with JediKC, and I only have to stick a small logo for JediKC in a corner, with a single banner on the openning page. I think its a good deal

J2xC (J. Connolly)

"Then study this: Borg provokes Klingon, Klingon breaks Borg's nose" Belanna Torres, Star Trek Voyager 5.11 "Someone to watch over me"

J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
any of you know what goes into buying and setting up your own domain name...like www.NeoToshi.com...? (my software comp.)
Well here''s what I did when I went about to get my domain and space.

I went to a space provider. www.smarthosting.com

I signed up for their plan.... follow their instructions... checked what domain I wanted... gave credit card number....


-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
http://crosswinds.net doesnt have a banner on their pages

and the geocities urls arent bad anymore u can now just use geocities.com/urname

Come, help me program my 3d game, i just picked up a new copy of Learn C++ in 21 days!
--Unknown Newbie
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
Damnit people..

How many times fo I have to say this??

There is the GDA (Game Developers Archive), you get free hosting with no banners or ads!

Even get CGI access, and can use ASP, and for $5/month you can have your own domain name hosted, and we can get you a domain name for just $20/year

Soon to come you will also get anonymous FTP with up to 200 megs of files allowed.

David Athay
how about trying www.homestead.com

its not bad for ads (but its free). the only problem is you have to use thier web page editor.

Hey david, u just beat me to it!

Edited by - cow_in_the_well on June 28, 2000 3:30:40 AM

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