it's a sad day, my friends (book suggestions)

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17 comments, last by docyoung83 19 years, 10 months ago
There comes a time in every young programmer''s life when he realizes that part of the term "game programming" includes the word "programming." If you can''t program, you sure as hell can''t program games. For years I''ve tried to jump ahead of the pack and dive right into game programming without having a firm understanding of C++. Well, maybe it''s just maturity setting in, but I''m finally ready to put games on hold and just go after being a proficient C++ programmer. My end goal is still Win32 game development, that will never change, but I need to get good enough at C++ where it will be more second nature. I have a plethora of C++ books, some good, some not worth crap. I''m making my way through Accelerated C++ and am doing pretty good with the concepts. However, I''m almost finished and I will shortly be needing another book. I was looking at C++ Primer, 3rd Ed , which I''ve heard a lot of good things about. Does the difficultly level pick up where Accelerated C++ leaves off? I don''t need anymore beginner books, but something in the intermediate range. Ideally, my goal is the following: Accelerated C++ -> C++ Primer (or something equivalent) -> OpenGL Programming Guide -> OpenGL Game Programming . Any feedback is welcome. Thanks.
Do this:

The book you already read -> Thinking in C++ (to clear stuff up) -> The C++ Programming Language (what every C++ programmer should have) -> OpenGL Game Programming.

And while doing all that, make sure you keep reading tutorials and making programs.

R.I.P. Mark Osback
Solo Pa Mi Gente
Two really good books are "Sam Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours" and "Sams Teach Yourself Game Programming in 24 Hours". The first is really good for learning the language and makes it simple to learn, it has a lot of example programs in each chapter to practice the stuff you''ve learned and understand it better. The second would be good once you want to get back to games. It teaches you how to make a small game engine and then teaches the different parts of a program needed to create a game by teaching you how to build simple to more complex games as you go along. You''ll be adding stuff to the game engine and building several different games as you go eventually ending up with a pretty decent complete engine on which you can practice making your own games. Good Luck.

Oh yeah and the first books is $20 and the second is $30.
C++ Primer by Stanley Lippman and Josee Lajoie is more of a traditional introductory text. I would recommend reading it after Accelerated C++, as it is an excellent, thorough book, and a good guide for the language. I wouldn't say that the "difficulty level" picks up from where Accelerated C++ leaves off, but it will discuss features that are not mentioned in Accelerated C++, and will go in to more depth on others. I should think that it would be a nice read for you, although bear in mind as you read some parts that it is a few years old. I would then think about reading The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup, and books from The C++ In-Depth Series (Stroustrup is the series editor). It is very important to learn the language well.

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[edited by - Lektrix on September 22, 2003 5:06:54 PM]
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quote:Original post by Xeren
"Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours"

NOT to be confused with "Sams Tech Yourself Visual C++ in 24 Hours" which is basically a guide to MFC. Here is C++ in 21 Days, which is almost identical to 24 hours (same author/style, just slightly longer). Once you get everything in that down, or even before, you''ll be fine with game programming (though you''ll probably want to go farther at some point). In fact, since games were developed in C for a long time, you''ll be able to make OpenGL games even without understanding classes (though I recommend against that).
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
I suggest some bible books that gives the insides and outsides, written by the creators for inter to advanced level programmers:

first get "The C Programming Language (Prentice Hall Software Series)" ISBN: 0131103628 by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie the creators of C. Give all the low level techniques and how memory management works, how all the memory allocation libaries work.

then get "The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition ISBN: 0201700735 by Bjarne Stroustrup the creator of C++ very simillar to the above book in the context of C++ and high level techniques, shows you how new operator works how to define your own.

After that if you can handle the maths get the bible graphics book: "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C"

Then the book for the latest real time rending stuff: "Real-time Rendering" ISBN: 1568811829 really good book.

Then focus on OpenGL with the offical learning and reference books
quote:Original post by StonieJ
Accelerated C++ -> C++ Primer (or something equivalent) -> OpenGL Programming Guide -> OpenGL Game Programming . Any feedback is welcome.

I can''t give you an opinion about Open GL , DirectX is my choice.But this would be my choice for C++ books:

1 Accelerated C++ - great book if you already have some programming experience

2 Algorithms in C++ - Sharpen your algorthm skills

3 Improve your STL :
The C++ Standard Library : A Tutorial and Reference -- Nicolai M. Josuttis (Author); or Generic programming and STL

4 The C++ programming language 3rd edition -
must have for any C++ programmer

I''m now in a start of phase 4 looking for a book about Visual

Good luck and make a lot of practice learning and mastering are very different things

Just a comment on the Opengl Game programming book, since it seems to be your ultimate goal in your series of books you plan to read. I have it and I think the title is extremely misleading. About 98% of it is how to use Opengl. The other 2% is how to program games using opengl. I think it should be called "Opengl Programming" or "Opengl Introduction".

They just give any old opengl tutorial stuff, with a slight twist for games. For example, where any other opengl beginners book would say something like:

"use glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); to make the color red"

this book gives the same information, but just mentions the word ''game'' so that you think your game programming.

"use glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); to make your level red"

I still think its a decent introductory opengl book, but except for maybe the last 2 chapters, its opengl programming, not opengl game programming.

Have a look at it in the store before you buy it is all im sayin.
quote:Original post by fireblade
4 The C++ programming language 3rd edition -
must have for any C++ programmer

Bah, i have the strastru watzhisname book and i think it''s not good at all.
My advice is to grab Herbert Shildt''s book or c++primer.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world : those who know binary system and those who don''t.
I would highly recommend these two intermediate c++ books:

Effective C++ by Scott Meyers
More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers

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