problem using file streams

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4 comments, last by Raloth 20 years, 7 months ago
I'm trying to use file streams to save my maps from my editor, but ios::binary is giving me problems. It doesn't seem to output everything in binary. It also causes the end of the file to be a repeat of the beginning or something. I don't know how to explain it, it's so weird . Can anyone help me out? saving:
		ofstream file;,ios::out | ios::binary);
		unsigned short mapsize = (unsigned short)landscape.GetSize();
		unsigned char** tilemap = landscape.GetTilemap();
		float** heightmap = landscape.GetHeightmap();
		file << mapsize;
		for(int i=0;i<mapsize;i++) {
			for(int j=0;j<mapsize;j++) {
				file << tilemap[i][j];
		for(int i=0;i<mapsize+1;i++) {
			for(int j=0;j<mapsize+1;j++) {
				file << heightmap[i][j];
   	ifstream file;,ios::in | ios::binary);
	unsigned short size;
	file >> size;
	unsigned char** tilemap;
	float** heightmap;
	tilemap = new unsigned char*[size];
	heightmap = new float*[size+1];
	for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
		tilemap[i] = new unsigned char[size];
		for(int j=0;j<size;j++) {
			file >> tilemap[i][j];
	for(int i=0;i<size+1;i++) {
		heightmap[i] = new float[size+1];
		for(int j=0;j<size+1;j++) {
			file >> heightmap[i][j];
[edited by - Raloth on October 5, 2003 10:17:08 PM]
____________________________________________________________AAAAA: American Association Against Adobe AcrobatYou know you hate PDFs...

where did you read about ios::binary ?
nowhere It just looked like what I needed from the MSDN docs. What should I use to output the actual byte data?
____________________________________________________________AAAAA: American Association Against Adobe AcrobatYou know you hate PDFs...
i believe there are read() and write() member funtions of the stream.

but, is there any reason in particular that you need to outout this in raw binary, rather than human-readable?
Maybe you're trying to make it too complicated?

struct foo {   int x;   char y;};foo thing = { 10, 'x' };ofs.write((char*)&foo, sizeof(foo));

This would write the struct to a file, which could be read back just as easy using almost identical code. It kinda' depends on what you're writing. In your case, what with pointers and all, you may need to develop a file "format."

[edited by - cubicool on October 5, 2003 12:32:53 AM]
Opening a file in binary mode means newlines will not be translated into CR+LF/CR/LF (depending on your platform) but be read/written literally, as is necessary for binary IO.

IOStream''s operator<< and operator>> do formatted IO, not binary IO.

For binary IO, use read() and write().

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