Half Life 2 Beta leaked now...

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36 comments, last by Vanz 20 years, 7 months ago
Firstly, I havent downloaded the ''beta'' (and i use the term loosely), so seriously, i havent. and I know alot of ppl who havent.

Secondly, how do you figure Valve ''lied'' to us? They said they would ''try to meet the deadline for 30th'' and was ''working hard towards it'', however as with all things dates slip, when we hadnt heard that HL2 had gone gold approx. 1 week before the 30th i assumed it wasnt going to make it anyways, and thats just one of those things about developing software, release dates slip, it happens.
Why do i think the release date slipped? One word : Steam.
HL2 has a very close link with Steam (for one thing its ment to be sold via it), so they needed to get Steam working first to ensure HL2 would work, which is probably what did some damage to the release date.
So they pushed it back to ''hoildays 2003'', which would give them time to sort things out and finish up.
Games miss the release date all the time (or they get released so buggy that they need a patch written before they have even made it out of the shop) and personaly i''d much rather the Devs released a game ''when its done'' than get a release date pushed on them by the publisher resulting in buggy releases.
To here some of you talk about ''Valve lieing to us'' makes it seem like you think you have a RIGHT to this game, and NEWSFLASH!! you dont, you dont hurry an artist to complete a work of art and the same thing applies here.
As for the demo being scripted, WELL DUH!! its ment to show off the engine, and scripting is the best way to making sure that the system runs the same way each time, besides for all you know it wasnt totaly scripted, it could have been played live the first time and then recorded as a demo for reshowing later. Besides, if the AI wasnt how it was billed then when the game was released with poor AI there would be such a backlash anyways that it wouldnt be worth it.
A build now? I knew that will happen...

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quote:Original post by _the_phantom_
As for the demo being scripted, WELL DUH!! its ment to show off the engine, and scripting is the best way to making sure that the system runs the same way each time, besides for all you know it wasnt totaly scripted, it could have been played live the first time and then recorded as a demo for reshowing later. Besides, if the AI wasnt how it was billed then when the game was released with poor AI there would be such a backlash anyways that it wouldnt be worth it.

The problem is that the e3 demo is the only thing that seems to work half decently. Anything even mildly dynamic just craps up.

How hard is it to get the message accross?

Based on the e3 demo you and me saw and how it *really* worked the september 30th is optimistic date if mr. newell were to possess a power to stop time for another twelve months.

How hard is it to get the message across. Gabe is not god and half life two is not the second coming of jesus as valve made you think.
you assume i think that, i''ve not been that bothered about HL2 from the offset (hell, i dint even play HL) and infact i''m more bothered about Ground Control 2 and Homeworld 2

And you''re still trusting the word of someone who could, for all you know, be lieing their arse off has to when that build they have released was completed just to make Valve look bad.

The thing that sickens me the most about all of this isnt the fact this stuff was stolen but its the way the ppl seem to think that they deserved it because they missed the sept 30th date.
So what if it wasnt completed? they went very quite on the lead up to the supposed ''release date'' and anyone with half a brain could have worked out they wasnt gonna make it simply based on that.
Still, i dare say that if someone steals the doom3 source and releases another ''demo'' of that game I dare say they''ll say they deserved it as well as that slipped ALOT more than HL2 has, considering i saw a release date of June this year on it
quote:Original post by Captian Goatse
Gabe is not god and half life two is not the second coming of jesus as valve made you think.

As Valve made who think? You? Isn't it your own damn fault if you set impossible expectations for something and they, understandably, aren't met? Or maybe you're being a trolling "Doom III = teh pw4g3, HL2 = teh suxX0rz!!1" moron. I've never heard Vavle claim that Half-Life 2 would be the Second Coming of Jesus™, and I'm not sure who told you Gabe was God, so I have no idea where you're coming from, there. I'm also not sure how you can objectively state that it's not all it's cracked up to be if the game's not even finished , and you've never even played the damn thing (assuming you're not a dirty, dirty bastard, which may or may not be a safe assumption). And what's this bullshit about Valve "getting what they deserved" because they "lied to us"? Do you not realize that this is not all that uncommon in the software development sector, as _the_phantom_ pointed out? It happens all the time...don't give yourself a hernia. And don't waste bandwidth by being a dumbass. Thank you.

Edit: And I'm certainly not a "fanboy", as I don't run Windows and I've never played the original Half-Life, so don't think crying "fanboy!" is gonna be a valid retort.

[edited by - CobraMantis on October 9, 2003 4:50:30 PM]

This captain guy is definatly a moron.
However, since you simply just attacked me out of true fanboyism

What you saw at e3 should have been what the game was after three months put into the development(compared to doom3, which looked awesome compared to this).

Seems to me someone''s trying their hardest to be a premadonna on the subject. Grow up a little. Your opionioins are quite obviously based on your biastness towards valve. Any respectable/intelligent person would see the truth.
I''m a long follower of E3 and the demo''s that have been shown at them have been nothing more than that, demo''s. Of course they''re polished up. They''re not the complete game at all. Who cares what you saw at E3.
Next, you do realize this release is what you call a "hack job". You seem to be taking the side of the hacker quite quickly based off his one comment of "haha i got the full source and its the full game that you guys got". That''s probably his ego talking more than anything and i would put money on the source that he dug up is probably some ancient old build that he had to hack together. I can understand why it is not impressive in any way. Would you believe a rapist when he claims thatheir victim enjoyed every second of it?
Third, no one at all is praising valve, saying HL2 is the next jesus, or that gabe is a god. What this is a tragedy to the whole game development community. It opens up alot of legal issues for far to many companies. Its basicly the equivalent to a nuke going off in the industry. What everyone is saying is that the perpotraitors should be served justice. I believe your comments concerning valve just goes to show exactly how biast you are.

for the record I''ve never even played half life, or seen the source, or screenshots, or the demo. I''m ashamed in humanity however that there are people out there that figure they have a right to do this sort of attrociaty.
"The human mind is limited only by the bounds which we impose upon ourselves." -iNfuSeD
quote:Original post by iNfuSeD
I''m ashamed in humanity however that there are people out there that figure they have a right to do this sort of attrociaty.

Naw, know what I''m ashamed about? That people would not only do this but outwardly support it and attempt to justify it.
quote:Original post by trapdoor
I don''t think game companies being hacked is a high of a crime as hacking into a bank. I mean that in the sense that concerns the authorities. Sure hacking is bad but the on the scale of crimes, bank hacking will attract much more attention as it involves everyone and not just a company.

I don''t know, the value of the half life two source when compared to the contents of my bank account is significantly bigger

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