Are you a nerd?hmm....uh......

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32 comments, last by Fuje 23 years, 11 months ago
No i dont think I am.I think the next time when i''m at school talking computers and someone interupts me implying me that i''m a nerd, I''ll just go karate on their ass(damn i dont know karate!)Well who cares the point is i''m not a nerd and I''m sick of people calling everyone who likes computers a nerd.Are you getting my drift?
congratz! you just proved that u''re a nerd!

- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!
pouya friendly, isn''t he?

The world is your message board.
You may want some sort of weapon.

Yes, it's a knife.

Captured Reality

Edited by - nes8bit on July 6, 2000 8:04:06 PM
that looks like a shark fin!

The world is your message board.
Landfish in a knife disguise
am i a nerd: yes
do i have a social life: yes

the 2 can coincide peacfully together. I spend lots of time with my friends as well as lots of time programming. Fuje: you seem to be implying that you are a nerd and denying it. Most of us here would be considered "nerds" by the general public. SO WHAT?!

Help me program my 3d game
I just got a new copy of Lear C++ in 21 days!
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
mattd : lol

nessy: is that a knife or a shark with a baseball bat stuck in his butt?

temrinate: every one calls me a nerd, and i agree with that. but i still go out with all my friends and have fun until 2 o clock after midnight and i''m so happy with my life. just the way you said.

p.s. NERD is the acronyms for "Northern Electronics Research and Development." they were extremely smart people who had the word N.E.R.D. written on their suits, so people started calling then NERD, and the name stuck on every one who they thought was smarter than normal (meaning more that 1 standard deviation higher than the mean IQ )

- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!
i love you guys becouse people here is a lot original whit their posts...

the 6th nerd thread.
the 3rd christian thread.
how much i will have to wait to un,no2 ???

"the history repeats itself becouse no one is paying attention"

Why she did that??
becouse she knows that you loved her.
what?? i can be i a half-mystics and all but i´m still a woman!!
-Zozma and lady Asellus. Saga Frontier
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"
People call me a hippy nerd.

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