D3DXMATRIX - quick question

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1 comment, last by 31337 20 years, 6 months ago
The operator (int row, int colum) returns a float reference or a float. My question is in the following matrix: [ 0 4 8 12 ] [ 1 5 9 13 ] [ 2 6 10 14 ] [ 3 7 11 15 ] what would myMatrix(0, 0) return? What would myMatrix(1, 0) return? What would myMatrix(0, 1)? Thank you.
OpenGL Revolutions http://students.hightechhigh.org/~jjensen/
0,0 = 0
1,0 = 1
0,1 = 4

mat._11 = 11;
mat._12 = 12;
mat._13 = 13;
mat._14 = 14;
mat._21 = 21;
mat._22 = 22;
mat._23 = 23;
mat._24 = 24;
mat._31 = 31;
mat._32 = 32;
mat._33 = 33;
mat._34 = 34;
mat._41 = 41;
mat._42 = 42;
mat._43 = 43;
mat._44 = 44;
float rt00 = mat(0,0);
float rt10 = mat(1,0);
float rt01 = mat(0,1);
Thank you much.
OpenGL Revolutions http://students.hightechhigh.org/~jjensen/

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