whoa?!! fatal error?!!

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1 comment, last by GameDev.net 20 years, 6 months ago
i was compiling and i got this error: fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit. wtf
-----------------------------------------------------------"Shut up and eat your cheese sandwhich"
Some things to check for:

-Make sure you are being careful with your #include directives
-Are you declaring any very large globals? i.e. large arrays
-Doing anything weird with templates? The only time I have ever received this error is when I was doing some template metaprogramming and the template recursion overloaded the compiler''s heap limit...

"That''s a very nice hat."
-Korben Dallas
"That's a very nice hat."-Korben Dallas
I was bored once and wrote out a for loop as just a bunch of individual statments. For example,

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cout << "Hello world.\n";

would become

cout << "Hello world.\n";
cout << "Hello world.\n";
cout << "Hello world.\n";
cout << "Hello world.\n";
cout << "Hello world.\n";

only it was much larger than five elements. To fix, go to project|settings. Click on the c/c++ tab. At the botton, on "project options". Somewhere in that arcane list of options there is /ZmX, where X is some number. I have 1000. Just keep specifying a larger number until the program compiles.

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