Reliable frame timer in D3D....

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9 comments, last by jpardon 20 years, 6 months ago
Hi all again! I was wondering I may call upon your help once again. I have uploaded a version with the new timer in place but I get a slight, very slight, judder on the character when moving. I have put this down to the fact that the frame timer is constantly changing ever so slightly but was wondering I you may look at it for me and see how bad or insignificant it is on your machines. apanjocko, you had particular probs with level three, I wonder if you might pop back there with in new version and see what happens for you?

I''ve put up an so people dont have to download the data all the time. Bear in mind though that both change frequently so if you get any error''s is likely the data is old. Get the exe only here:

There''s a debug build with loads of shit messages and crap but may be useful for viewing the frame rate to see whats happening.

Cheers for you help

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