Changing text color...

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3 comments, last by KevinG 20 years, 6 months ago
How do you change the text color in a windows batch file? I have just made a program that cleans my directories of unwanted files, and I want to add some spice to it and add some color to the text. How exactly do you go about doing this?
I cant think of a decent signature right now...try back later...MUCH later.
I haven''t actually heard of any commands that would actually change the color of the text when using a batch script. The only solution for this would be to create your own program that changes the color of the text/background itself.

If you can write in the C/C++ langauge, here is a good site with a tutorial on how to do that: Game Tutorials

Hope that helps.

Very good programming site:Programmers Unlimited
I''m running Windows 2000 and you can just type color then a number to change the color

color 1 - dark blue
color 2 - green
color 4 - dark red
c:\>color ?

will tell you how to use it
But how do you change the color of individual lines of text...


ECHO This line is GREEN
ECHO This line is RED, while the previous line is still GREEN

In other words, I want to know how to change the color of individual lines...
I cant think of a decent signature right now...try back later...MUCH later.

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