Help with Normals - Almost there ...

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12 comments, last by carb 20 years, 5 months ago
Okay, now using the method suggested by Ben, I get the _exact_ same result as my original algorithm in the first post. Interesting ... so I wasn''t crazy afterall. But, admittedly, this method is way, way faster.

So yeah, the lines are back - that same image I showed at the very top is the very same.

Maybe I''ve just been blinded by perfection I just wanted to make sure I had the lighting down perfect before I moved on to texturing. Although, I suppose, once that''s there, it''ll look more proper.

Thanks all.

- Ben
- Ben
Hi, I have the same problem, please if someone knows the solution tell me.
============================== Videoman Library Project
Benjamin bunny''s solution was the best, and fastest. For best results, consider as many vertices as possible for each vertex.

I mean, you can''t avoid these artifacts, I''ve learned. They''ll be far less noticable once you map a texture over top, believe me.

If you want more accurate lighting, consider using lightmap shading.

- Ben
- Ben
Thank you
============================== Videoman Library Project

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