Ideas for Dynamic games

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38 comments, last by TechnoGoth 20 years, 4 months ago
I''ve seen the growing number of dynamic games begin to appear of the years but they are more often then not really bad games. So I decided it would be see what ideas forum members have for dynamic games. Just think of as many diffrent ones as you can, that would also be fun to play. The core of the game should be completely dynamic and not static or scripted. Also lets keep them in the realm of relistic to implement ideas. ----------------------------------------------------- Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades Current Design project Chaos Factor Design Document
game ARE dinamic, i did not understand what you are saying, you mean those trigger happy game which it''s more like a puzzle (find the correct button to go forward)????????

be good
be evil
but do it WELL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be goodbe evilbut do it WELL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
quote:Original post by Neoshaman
you mean those trigger happy game which it''s more like a puzzle (find the correct button to go forward)????????

be good
be evil
but do it WELL

Usually those are triggers that''s scripted or already setup by code.

I don''t understand what you mean though. Do you mean using a FSM or something and letting the game choose which path it needs to go? Give a little more detail, I would love to through some ideas if I understood.


"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"
A 3'rd Person Action or RPG game (I prefer Action) in a medieval/fantasy environment (yes, I know the setting isn't original, but it is still incredibly fun). Either make it one giant map, or broken up into many regions that can be freely entered. Have the "Good Guy Area", the "Bad Guy Area", and all the lands inbetween.

Naturally, in the "Bad Guy Area", there's an Evil king/queen/lord/etc, who's trying to control the whole land by means of his armies, or obtaining magic artifacts, and so on. You play as a soldier/knight/ranger/farmer ... (doesn't much matter). Your goal is to kill/defeat the Evil Bad Guy, because no one else is going to be able to do it, and you've got high hopes. Problem is, that his/her place is very well guarded, and dangerous. And you wouldn't be able to defeat him/her anyway ... yet.

In order to win. You have to defeat enemies to increase your own strength/skill/power. Or find mystical items to aid you. Or help out people/villages/kings so that you'll gain support, and perhaps be able to lead some NPCs.

There would be no one item/ability required to win. Maybe you could defeat the enemy with just strength, just items, or just support. But ideally it would be a combination that best suits you.

There'd be some scripted material involved, but it would be minimal. And never "integral".

[edited by - Veovis on November 29, 2003 1:44:48 PM]
I assumed that everyone knew what a dynamic game is but I guess not, so I''ll explain it to all those who don''t know. The idea is that rather then having all of the game elements determined at design time you instead set the game up so that the game generates most of those elements itself. Thus the game is never the same twice.

For example lets say you wanted to give people in your game names you could a have a list of last names and list of first names, and then whenever a name is need the game would choose a word from both lists and thus a random name is generated, and the game itself would be said to have dynamicly generated names.

Let me just throw an indea out.

Dynamic theif game.

Goal is to earn as much money as you can. You accomplish this by breaking into diffrnet buildings, overcomming the buildings security and stealing anything of value within the building. Each building is generated dynamically. The money you gain from your heists is used to buy diffrent tools to aid in overcoming security measures and to help carry more loot.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

One of the big games on this dynamic list is Diablo and diablo 2. Algorithms are used to generate the levels of the dungeons so that each time you play its a different maze of some sort. Knights of the Old Republic is a dynamic game as well, since you the player doesn''t have to choose the same path to play the game.

I like the theif idea. Your game could have a database of treasures, security systems, security companies, objectives, and graphics to fill the offices and buildings you''re going to be robbing.
The game then picks an chooses from these lists using algorithms and generates floor plans for the buildings. Not such a hard thing to grasp. Makes the game different everytime and saves you from having to do hordes of level design. Once you''ve built the template for the software to build off of then you''re set for 1000 or more levels if you''ve done it properly.

What about agame where you sail the seas in the age of sailing. You buy your ship, you find your crew. The game generates every other ship out there, from different countries fleets to pirates. You as a player can choose alligence to any flag or become you''re own mercanary. There are a few huge missions that need to be done to drive the story forward, but the majority of missions are all generated based off of what flags are warring with who. Exploring coast lines could bring you to villages that you can either chose to trade with or to plunder. Your actions send waves through the game world that affect relations between different flags. The game is never the same twice.

"The human mind is limited only by the bounds which we impose upon ourselves." -iNfuSeD
quote:Original post by TechnoGoth
I assumed that everyone knew what a dynamic game is but I guess not, so I''ll explain it to all those who don''t know. The idea is that rather then having all of the game elements determined at design time you instead set the game up so that the game generates most of those elements itself. Thus the game is never the same twice.

For example lets say you wanted to give people in your game names you could a have a list of last names and list of first names, and then whenever a name is need the game would choose a word from both lists and thus a random name is generated, and the game itself would be said to have dynamicly generated names.

Let me just throw an indea out.

Dynamic theif game.

Goal is to earn as much money as you can. You accomplish this by breaking into diffrnet buildings, overcomming the buildings security and stealing anything of value within the building. Each building is generated dynamically. The money you gain from your heists is used to buy diffrent tools to aid in overcoming security measures and to help carry more loot.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

OH! i understand!!!
but''s it''s you which confuse thing, actually you are talking of procedural game (generated content)
while a dinamic game is a game which react to input (decision making) and a simple fsm is good to do this (of course everybody must turn to systemic level design to have a good dinamic)

yeah i''m working on that for the same purpose (cut down dev for little team) i have the adventage to be an artist then i can build more meaningful generator (don''t just rely on randomness or you will be disapointed)

check the ai forum, there is some discussion like this by bishop_pass

be good
be evil
but do it WELL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be goodbe evilbut do it WELL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
no. I''m afraid your the one mistaken you have though backwards.

Dynamic means changing, and moving.
Procedure means way of achomplishing something.

A Finite statment is a procedual system its not even the least bit dynamic.

neither one has anything to with reacting to input... well maybe procedural but that only because you would have a procedure for processing input.

Its not really an AI forum question since creating dynamic games doesn''t requrie any AI. Altough one could use an expert system could be employed to improve the dynamic generation of objects, but its not required.

For instance an rpg quest generator could be entirly random and look something like this:

Quest Q = type.

Type1 = Kill X number of monster M.
Type2 = Bring this object to person P in city C.

there you go now the game can generate nearly an unlimeted number of quests by selecting the various elements form their approprite list.

Sailing game sound like it could be fun, kind of reminds me new horizons and pirates. Altough thats probably because that there are certain common elements that all age of sailing games would include.

But come on people don''t hold back I''m sure that there must be more then one person in this forum with game ideas afterall last time I checked this was a game design forum.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

I believe that:

Quest Q = type.

Type1 = Kill X number of monster M.
Type2 = Bring this object to person P in city C.

Is absolutely NOT dynamic. It might be random, but still x is determined and M is a hardcoded creature. Same for p and c. They are hardcoded either.
Procedural means:
Take a random number, mangle it through an iterated formula x times and voila result. For every random number you get a COMPLETELY different outcome after x iterations. Take a look at plasma clouds. THOSE are procedural. You could have a function that mathematically generates buildings ( procedural), places them random (procedural) in a random(procedural)landscape.
The fun part with procedural is, that if you take the same random start number (seed) and paramaters, you will end up with the exact same result.

Why procedural and not random(timer)? You want to be sure that you can generate the exact same situation again.
For example when the player gets a quest where he has to kill x and return item y to person b in house z in village b.
If person b returns with the item and can''t find back the house z or even village b, he gets very frustrated now, wouldn''t he?

Note that it impossible to store all terrains and houses and npc''s and monsters that you generate random(procedural) because you will run out of memory very soon.

Look at all the pretty colours!
Look at all the pretty colours!
"Take a random number, mangle it through an iterated formula x times and voila result"

That not exactly what procedual means. Procedual is simply a method for doing a task. In your example the task would be to determine a result. The procedure refers to how you arrive at the result.

The procedure is the method for generating the Dynamic content as apposed to static content which is determined at design time.

As far as storage goes why couldn''t you store all that information? Its only data, how large it be? Besides it all depends on the design on the data is stored and retrived it could write it all to files on the harddrive, or perhaps it could simple store the seed value used to generate the world. That way the world is kept constant for each game.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

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