Directplay 8 , do i need the guid?

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-1 comments, last by johnnyBravo 20 years, 4 months ago
Im trying to learn direct play 8. Basically what i want to do is make a basic connect and host program. I don''t want any lobbies etc. From what ive seen guid is only used for lobbies, but when i remove the guid from the host sdk example it fails to host. Why does it fail if guid is only used for lobby

    HRESULT                 hr = S_OK;

    // Now set up the Application Description

    ZeroMemory(&dpAppDesc, sizeof(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC));
    dpAppDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC);
//    dpAppDesc.guidApplication = g_guidApp;

    dpAppDesc.dwFlags = DPNSESSION_NODPNSVR;

    // We are now ready to host the app

    if( FAILED( hr = g_pDP->Host( &dpAppDesc,            // AppDesc

                                  &g_pDeviceAddress, 1,   // Device Address

                                  NULL, NULL,             // Reserved

                                  NULL,                   // Player Context

                                  0 ) ) )                 // dwFlags

        OutputError( TEXT("Failed to host a new session"), hr );
        return hr;

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