console window from win32

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5 comments, last by UeberBobo 20 years, 4 months ago
can i somehow print things out in a console window from a win32 window. also how do i avoid using up all CPU when using a PeekMessage messageloop. i thought about setting a maximum FPS, would that work? i dont want to change my messageloop
When the window isn''t active, make your app sleep.

As for the console thing, use AllocConsole

can you give me an example as to how this works? i managed to get the window up with AllocConsole() but i dont know how to write or read aything from it.. how do i get it to print out some text?

//Open consoleif (AllocConsole ()){  freopen ("CONIN$", "rb", stdin);  freopen ("CONOUT$", "wb", stdout);  freopen ("CONOUT$", "wb", stderr);}/*Just use it C-style*/printf ("Hello world!");//Or C++-stylecout << "Foo!" << endl;//Release consolefclose (stdin);fclose (stdout);fclose (stderr);FreeConsole ();

This place should have everything you''ll need to know

Colin Jeanne | Invader''s Realm
quote:Original post by Kippesoep

//Open consoleif (AllocConsole ()){  freopen ("CONIN$", "rb", stdin);  freopen ("CONOUT$", "wb", stdout);  freopen ("CONOUT$", "wb", stderr);}/*Just use it C-style*/printf ("Hello world!");//Or C++-stylecout << "Foo!" << endl;//Release consolefclose (stdin);fclose (stdout);fclose (stderr);FreeConsole ();

Do we need to include iostream/stdio?

It''s Maxd Gaming, put in an underscore and I will beat you with a rubber ducky!
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quote:Original post by maxd gaming
Do we need to include iostream/stdio?



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