move vertex during animation

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2 comments, last by kevlur 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi, in milkshape is there a way to change the position of the vertex(and then to change the shape) of a model, in animation mode, during the setting of the key frame, from one frame to another? In other words, it''s possible to change the shape of the model(other than the joints) from one frame to another? Thanks Kev
No, I only know this because i'm writing my own plugin and i've seen the data structures. The mesh is stored once for each object in the scene, bones are attached to the scene not individual objects, the verticies are attached to the bones, the bones contain the animation data and only include rotation and position data.

here they are (please if this illegal of me warn me before i get in trouble)

typedef float   msVec4[4];typedef float   msVec3[3];typedef float   msVec2[2];/* msFlag */typedef enum {    eSelected = 1, eSelected2 = 2, eHidden = 4, eDirty = 8, eAveraged = 16, eUnused = 32} msFlag;/* msVertex */typedef struct msVertex{    byte        nFlags;    msVec3      Vertex;    float       u, v;    char        nBoneIndex;} msVertex;/* msTriangle */typedef struct{    word        nFlags;    word        nVertexIndices[3];    word        nNormalIndices[3];    msVec3      Normal;    byte        nSmoothingGroup;} msTriangle;/* msMesh */typedef struct msMesh{    byte        nFlags;    char        szName[MS_MAX_NAME];    char        nMaterialIndex;        word        nNumVertices;    word        nNumAllocedVertices;    msVertex*   pVertices;    word        nNumNormals;    word        nNumAllocedNormals;    msVec3*     pNormals;    word        nNumTriangles;    word        nNumAllocedTriangles;    msTriangle* pTriangles;} msMesh;/* msMaterial */typedef struct msMaterial{    int         nFlags;    char        szName[MS_MAX_NAME];    msVec4      Ambient;    msVec4      Diffuse;    msVec4      Specular;    msVec4      Emissive;    float       fShininess;    float       fTransparency;    char        szDiffuseTexture[MS_MAX_PATH];    char        szAlphaTexture[MS_MAX_PATH];    int         nName;} msMaterial;/* msPositionKey */typedef struct msPositionKey{    float       fTime;    msVec3      Position;} msPositionKey;/* msRotationKey */typedef struct msRotationKey{    float   fTime;    msVec3  Rotation;} msRotationKey;/* msBone */typedef struct msBone{    int             nFlags;    char            szName[MS_MAX_NAME];    char            szParentName[MS_MAX_NAME];    msVec3          Position;    msVec3          Rotation;    int             nNumPositionKeys;    int             nNumAllocedPositionKeys;    msPositionKey*  pPositionKeys;    int             nNumRotationKeys;    int             nNumAllocedRotationKeys;    msRotationKey*  pRotationKeys;} msBone;/* msModel */typedef struct msModel{    int         nNumMeshes;    int         nNumAllocedMeshes;    msMesh*     pMeshes;    int         nNumMaterials;    int         nNumAllocedMaterials;    msMaterial* pMaterials;    int         nNumBones;    int         nNumAllocedBones;    msBone*     pBones;    int         nFrame;    int         nTotalFrames;    msVec3      Position;    msVec3      Rotation;} msModel; 

[edited by - honayboyz on January 6, 2004 4:14:07 PM]
Thank you, and do you know if there is a program that allow to move the vertices during animation, from one frame to another?
3D studio.

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