DX7: Problem in page flipping :( what to do????

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8 comments, last by farhanx 20 years, 3 months ago
hi! i am new in Direct X and i am using DX7 but i have dx8 SDK, the problem i am facing is strange output , i am drawing some pixels on the secondary surface''s buffer and then flip it tothe primary surface but every time output comes half screen with pixels and half downward screen with some white and black lines ..... here is my code i am using one function of WinMain and everything is inside this function please tell me what iam doing wrong???? Thanks in advance // Set the display mode to 800x600 with 16 bits per pixel. if ( FAILED( lpDD->SetDisplayMode( 640, 480, 16, 0, 0 ) ) ) return FALSE; /////////////////////////////////////////////// ZeroMemory( &ddsd, sizeof( ddsd ) ); ddsd.dwSize=sizeof(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags=DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps=DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE | DDSCAPS_FLIP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; ddsd.dwBackBufferCount=1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// lpDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd,&primaryS, NULL ) ; back.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER; primaryS->GetAttachedSurface(&back,&secondS); if ((video_buffer = (USHORT *)malloc(640*486))==NULL) return(0); int x=0,y=0; //Game loop while(TRUE) { USHORT *dest_ptr = NULL, *src_ptr= NULL; if(PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message ==WM_QUIT) break; if (msg.message ==WM_CLOSE) break; //translate any accelerator keys if(KEY_UP(VK_ESCAPE)) //MessageBox(NULL,"HEY YOU","WHAT",MB_OK); break; TranslateMessage(&msg); //send the message to the window proc DispatchMessage(&msg); } // erase secondary back buffer memset(&ddsd,0,sizeof(ddsd)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); secondS->Lock(NULL,&ddsd,DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR | DDLOCK_WAIT,NULL); video_buffer=(USHORT *)ddsd.lpSurface; if (ddsd.lPitch == 640) {memset(video_buffer,0,640*486);} else { // non-linear memory // make copy of video pointer dest_ptr = video_buffer; // clear out memory one line at a time for (int y=0; y<486; y++) { // clear nect line memset(dest_ptr,0,640); // advance pointer to next line dest_ptr+=ddsd.lPitch; } // end for y } // end else for(int a=0; a<100;a++){ x=rand()%640; y=rand()%480; video_buffer[x +(y*ddsd.lPitch>>1)]=(USHORT)RGB16BIT(rand()%255,rand()%255,rand()%255); } secondS->Unlock((tagRECT *)video_buffer); while(primaryS->Flip(NULL,DDFLIP_WAIT)!=DD_OK); Sleep(5); }//End while //ZeroMemory(&video_buffer,sizeof(video_buffer) ); secondS->Release(); secondS=NULL; primaryS->Release(); primaryS=NULL; lpDD->Release(); lpDD=NULL; return 0; }//End of Win Main
Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
The third paramter to memset is the number of bytes to fill and you''re setting it to 640, when your surface format contains 2 bytes per pixel.

Also, in a few places you''ve written code that assumes a 486 pixel surface height, when you''ve created a 480 pixel high surface.

Thanks for reply , i did changed the mistake of height pixels into 480 and i also changed the way of memset function but still i am having the same output while now i am getting colourful lines instead of those black and white lines underhalf screen. Plz tell me what else could be the problem in my code?????????

if ( FAILED( lpDD->SetCooperativeLevel( hwnd,DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN |
return FALSE;

// Set the display mode to 800x600 with 16 bits per pixel.
if ( FAILED( lpDD->SetDisplayMode( 640, 480, 16, 0, 0 ) ) )
return FALSE;

ZeroMemory( &ddsd, sizeof( ddsd ) );


lpDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd,&primaryS, NULL ) ;


if ((video_buffer = (USHORT *)malloc(640*480))==NULL)

int x=0,y=0;

USHORT *dest_ptr = NULL, *src_ptr= NULL;


if (msg.message ==WM_QUIT)

if (msg.message ==WM_CLOSE)
//translate any accelerator keys
//MessageBox(NULL,"HEY YOU","WHAT",MB_OK);

//send the message to the window proc


// erase secondary back buffer
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);

video_buffer=(USHORT *)ddsd.lpSurface;

if (ddsd.lPitch == 640)
// non-linear memory

// make copy of video pointer
dest_ptr = video_buffer;

// clear out memory one line at a time
for (int y=0; y<480; y++)
// clear nect line

// advance pointer to next line

} // end for y

} // end else

for(int a=0; a<100;a++){
video_buffer[x +(y*ddsd.lPitch>>1)]=(USHORT)RGB16BIT(rand()%255,rand()%255,rand()%255);

secondS->Unlock((tagRECT *)video_buffer);



}//End while

Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
//globalsUCHAR *surface = NULL; //pointer to data of DDsurfaceLPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 DDsurface = NULL; //a pointer to a Direct Draw Surfaceint lpitch; //hard to explain :)BOOL Lock(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 DDsurface){	DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd;	Unlock(DDsurface);	if (DDsurface == NULL)		return FALSE;	memset(&ddsd,0,sizeof(ddsd));	ddsd.dwSize=sizeof(ddsd);	DDsurface->Lock(NULL,&ddsd,DDLOCK_WAIT | DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR,NULL); 	lpitch = ddsd.lPitch;	surface = (UCHAR *)ddsd.lpSurface;	return TRUE;}   BOOL Unlock(){	if ((DDSurface==NULL)||(surface==NULL))		return FALSE;	m_pDDSurface->Unlock(NULL);        surface = NULL;	return TRUE;} void PlotPixel(int x,int y,DWORD color){	((WORD *)surface) [x+y*(lpitch>>1)] = (WORD)color;}

in the source above, have DDsurface point to your DirectDrawSurface
have surface be a null pointer to unsighed char
1. call Unlock() this will set surface to point at the data area of your directdrawsurface pointed to by DDsurface
this will also place a value in lpitch used in plotting pixels
2. call PlotPixel(x,y,color) this will plot a pixel on DDsurface at x,y with color
3. when all plotting is done, call Unlock()
will unlock the directdrawsurface and set surface=NULL

btw This is set for working is 16 bpp (bits per pixel) mode.
I dont know how it would work in 24, 32, etc... might have to change (lpitch>>1) in the plotting function to use in different modes.
hope this helps
You are doing memset with sizeof(video_buffer) and sizeof(dest_ptr). The size of those is 4. They are pointers. sizeof doesn''t know how much space it is actually pointing to. Instead of sizeof, you need to specify the number of bytes to set.

Also, you are calling Unlock() with your video_buffer as a parameter. That''s definitely not right. You should be passing NULL to Unlock().
Thanks alot all of you guys this is the best place for having great programmers like you all, Now my code is working the way i want it. The problem was really inside the non liner algorithm
but i changed the memset value as
memset(dest_ptr,0,640*16) and now its working perfectly with smooth animation while when i put memset(dest_ptr,0,640*480) then it comes so extremely slow and bad animation.

if (ddsd.lPitch == 640)
// non-linear memory
// make copy of video pointer
dest_ptr = video_buffer;
// clear out memory one line at a time
for (int y=0; y<480; y++)
// clear nect line
// advance pointer to next line

} // end for y

} // end else


Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Thanks alot all of you guys this is the best place for having great programmers like you all, Now my code is working the way i want it. The problem was really inside the non liner algorithm
but i changed the memset value as
memset(dest_ptr,0,640*16) and now its working perfectly with smooth animation while when i put memset(dest_ptr,0,640*480) then it comes so extremely slow and bad animation.

if (ddsd.lPitch == 640)
// non-linear memory
// make copy of video pointer
dest_ptr = video_buffer;
// clear out memory one line at a time
for (int y=0; y<480; y++)
// clear nect line
// advance pointer to next line

} // end for y

} // end else


Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Thanks alot all of you guys this is the best place for having great programmers like you all, Now my code is working the way i want it. The problem was really inside the non liner algorithm
but i changed the memset value as
memset(dest_ptr,0,640*16) and now its working perfectly with smooth animation while when i put memset(dest_ptr,0,640*480) then it comes so extremely slow and bad animation.

if (ddsd.lPitch == 640)
// non-linear memory
// make copy of video pointer
dest_ptr = video_buffer;
// clear out memory one line at a time
for (int y=0; y<480; y++)
// clear nect line
// advance pointer to next line

} // end for y

} // end else


Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Thanks alot all of you guys this is the best place for having great programmers like you all, Now my code is working the way i want it. The problem was really inside the non liner algorithm
but i changed the memset value as
memset(dest_ptr,0,640*16) and now its working perfectly with smooth animation while when i put memset(dest_ptr,0,640*480) then it comes so extremely slow and bad animation.

if (ddsd.lPitch == 640)
// non-linear memory
// make copy of video pointer
dest_ptr = video_buffer;
// clear out memory one line at a time
for (int y=0; y<480; y++)
// clear nect line
// advance pointer to next line

} // end for y

} // end else


Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Thanks alot all of you guys this is the best place for having great programmers like you all, Now my code is working the way i want it. The problem was really inside the non liner algorithm
but i changed the memset value as
memset(dest_ptr,0,640*16) and now its working perfectly with smooth animation while when i put memset(dest_ptr,0,640*480) then it comes so extremely slow and bad animation.

if (ddsd.lPitch == 640)
// non-linear memory
// make copy of video pointer
dest_ptr = video_buffer;
// clear out memory one line at a time
for (int y=0; y<480; y++)
// clear nect line
// advance pointer to next line

} // end for y

} // end else


Things has been changed but the just the way it is....
Things has been changed but the just the way it is....

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