Need help for find Leader programmer?

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0 comments, last by keroz 20 years, 3 months ago
We are currently lloking for a leader programmer who can teach/lead/Solve the occured problems while developping a MMORPG Game . But now we have no idea who can fit in this position. So Can you list the capabilities of this type of this person? Thank.
A good place to start would be knowing the different architectures that MMORPG servers can use. A good knowledge of C++, Scripting and modular programming would help a lot also. He/she should also be a good leader and a good listener.

I would assume that you have the entire design done for this before you hired such a person. It would be a waste of his/her time if there was no direction to go in.
Anthony Rufrano
RealityFactory 2 Programmer

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