Point lights

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2 comments, last by shakazed 20 years, 4 months ago
Hiya! Trying to set up a point light but it won´t show. I´ve assigned values to attenuation, position and diffuse color, is there something more I need? Light is enabled and set, got it working with directional light but not point and spot.
maybe not setting up your polygon normals properly?
Type, Diffuse, Specular, Ambient, Position, Attenuation0, Attenuation1, Attenuation2, and Range all need to be set.

You''ve forgotten Range. Note that if you use incorrect attenuation values it might seem as though the light doesn''t work.

Normals and all the other properties are set, though I´m not sure about attenuation. The docs said typically you set it to attenuation0 = 0, attenuation1 = constant value(in my case 1) and attenuation2 = 0. Something wrong with this maybe? The light pos. is set to ten units infront of the plane I´m trying to light up and range is 100.

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