Z-axis always forward?

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13 comments, last by lexor 20 years, 3 months ago
But the ptCursor.X and ptCursor.Y are the mouse coords.
Anyway, I currently use the the Original CamTarget - CamPos
(Vector3(0, 0, -200) - Vector3(0, 0, 0) for vPickRayOrig and
the and the current Direction CamTarget - CamPos for vPickRayDir.

It works sweet! Could this cause a problem later on maybe?
_________________________ www.leXor.net
Maybe you could post the code you are using now so i can see what your doing
Sure .. it's in C#, but the names are nearly the same anyway:

I send in the 2D Mouse ordinates and out comes the position vector for the cursor over a flat terrain.

public Vector3 PickRay(float in_MouseX, float in_MouseY){	Matrix matProj;	matProj = mDevice.GetTransform(TransformType.Projection);	//////////////////////////////	Vector3 vPickRayDir = new Vector3();	Vector3 vPickRayOrig = new Vector3();	vPickRayDir = new Vector3(camTarget.X, camTarget.Y, camTarget.Z) - new Vector3(camPos.X, camPos.Y, camPos.Z);	vPickRayOrig = new Vector3(0, 0, -200) - new Vector3(0, 0, 0);	///////////////////////////////	///	Point ptCursor = new Point(0);	ptCursor.X = (int)in_MouseX;	ptCursor.Y = (int)in_MouseY;	// Compute the vector of the pick ray in screen space	Vector3 v;	v.X = ( ( ( 2.0f * ptCursor.X ) / mDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth ) - 1 ) / matProj.M11;	v.Y = -( ( ( 2.0f * ptCursor.Y ) / mDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight ) - 1 ) / matProj.M22;	v.Z = 1.0f;	// Get the inverse of the composite view and world matrix	Matrix matView, matWorld, m;	matView = mDevice.GetTransform(TransformType.View);	matWorld = mDevice.GetTransform(TransformType.World);	m = matWorld * matView;	m = Matrix.Invert( m );	// Transform the screen space pick ray into 3D space	vPickRayDir.X = v.X*m.M11 + v.Y*m.M21 + v.Z*m.M31;	vPickRayDir.Y = v.X*m.M12 + v.Y*m.M22 + v.Z*m.M32;	vPickRayDir.Z = v.X*m.M13 + v.Y*m.M23 + v.Z*m.M33;	vPickRayOrig.X = m.M41;	vPickRayOrig.Y = m.M42;	vPickRayOrig.Z = m.M43;	// 0 = terrain.Y	return vPickRayOrig + (0 - vPickRayOrig.Y) / vPickRayDir.Y * vPickRayDir;}

[edited by - leXor on January 16, 2004 12:40:40 PM]
_________________________ www.leXor.net
Ah...thought as much.

You're setting vPickRayDir and vPickRayOrig but that gets overwritten at the end, so you're not actually using CamTarget - CamPos anywhere.
I took out the world matrix stuff (our code was calculating object space coords) and i added an error check.
public Vector3 PickRay(float in_MouseX, float in_MouseY){	Matrix matProj = mDevice.GetTransform(TransformType.Projection);	// Compute the vector of the pick ray in screen space	Vector3 v;	v.X = ( ( ( 2.0f * in_MouseX ) / mDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth ) - 1 ) / matProj.M11;	v.Y = -( ( ( 2.0f * in_MouseY ) / mDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight ) - 1 ) / matProj.M22;	v.Z = 1.0f;	// Get the inverse of the view matrix	Matrix m= mDevice.GetTransform(TransformType.View);	// Transform the screen space pick ray into 3D space	Vector3 vPickRayDir=new Vector3(v.X*m.M11 + v.Y*m.M21 + v.Z*m.M31, 		v.X*m.M12 + v.Y*m.M22 + v.Z*m.M32,v.X*m.M13 + v.Y*m.M23 + v.Z*m.M33);	Vector3 vPickRayOrig=new Vector3(m.M41, m.M42,m.M43);	// 0 = terrain.Y	if(vPickRayDir.Y==0)		return new Vector3(0,1000,0); // error, ray doesn't intersect XZ or lies in XZ plane		//better: throw exception	else		return vPickRayOrig + (0 - vPickRayOrig.Y) / vPickRayDir.Y * vPickRayDir;}

You had a lot of redundancy in your code:

vPickRayDir = new Vector3(camTarget.X, camTarget.Y, camTarget.Z) - new Vector3(camPos.X, camPos.Y, camPos.Z);

we don't need new objects here, we already have the right ones!

vPickRayDir = camTarget - camPos;

[edited by - Ghwerig on January 16, 2004 1:49:05 PM]
The reason why I created new Vector3 was becourse the my camPos and camTarget temporarely was Vector4.

Thanks once again for you help. You have been most helpful!

[edited by - leXor on January 16, 2004 2:09:38 PM]
_________________________ www.leXor.net

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