Artificial Intuition

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56 comments, last by Paul Cunningham 23 years, 2 months ago
I have two questions . . .

Why is a guy in Canada speaking Japanese?

and wasn''t the original topic how to make a computer opponent SEEM to be acting intuitively?

I''m just a newbie, so don''t flame me too hard, but couldn''t you just have the conputer run whatever scenario from a certain point once in a while, like the space cadet seemed to be implying, as a simplified version of the game you''re playing and play for both sides, then prepare for whatever horrible thing the player has in store for it? Or, better yet, run the game about 3-5 minutes ahead and see where all the pieces are and react to any upcoming threats, thereby seeming to anticipate it??

1) No idea what you are talking about
2) Because the topic is about Intuition, simulated/emulated Artificially and therefore is quite deserving of its title. I think it is catchy,

*Pulls out a flame thrower* Any more statements?

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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1. egerlach

2. I agree, it is a cool name for it, but . . .

quote:Original post by dwarfsoft

But anyway, Now that we are all agreed that NN''s are gonna suck for what we were discussing its use for (I hope we all agreed right?) what can we use instead?

. . . not being a [strong]programmer[/strong], I was coming up with the best idea I had. Not that I have anything against programming or anything, I just don''t think visual basic or Excel functions qualify me to be giving any kind of opinion on the effectiveness or appropriateness of neural networks. I am a little confused though, because the topic did seem to jump from simulating/ emulating intuition "How''d it know I was going to do that?" to advanced strategy and tactics "How''d it do that?".


I hope I've made my point about my programming ability.

Edited by - Abramski on August 13, 2000 1:43:11 AM
gee... how crusty and old was that last post you dug up of mine? It was from like 2 weeks ago I haven''t really posted since then, as most things started going over my head.

Anyway, if it is programmed correctly (the hard part) then it is good (the hard part) if it is programmed incorectly (the easy part) then it ends up being crap (the easy part). It isn''t an easy task to accomplish... I am going to return to lurking now

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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If i may but in here for a quick question that''s been on my mind that i''d like to bounce off you peoples. In terms of a game development mechanism, how do we now seperate Intution from intelligence? I''m thinking that intelligence is about learning and intuition is about guessing? That''s my opinion and i think that the computer could be made to guess by balancing up the odds such as time and distance a player is away from the computers home base if you get my point. Where as learning is more about gathering and using information.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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If you want to know what intuition is, read the celestinion promise (if I spelled it correctly), the first 9 insights.

Do you want to emulate it? You have to play for God/soul team
OK, it looks like it''s about time to try to fuse everyone''s best ideas into one stagedy and call it my own...

What IMHO would be the most efficient way to implement a system that learns, using some form on fuzzy logic (or intuition) would be this:

Start the AI with a general stragedy template. This is no different from most games today. Next, from this general AI, it passes commands down to the Commander AI level (let''s say that there are n commnaders), they have a preset way to deal with these high-level commands. Then the commanders will pass mid-level commands to the units. The units have a template of responses as well.

Each of these levels of input -> responses/subcommands is stored in script.

Whenever there is excess processing power (perhaps between levels), then starting with the lowest level, they process a NN with their new inputs and come up with some generalizations/observations. These get passed up to the next level of command. Then, command would pass changes to that lower level''s scripts.

Here''s how that would work. You have 3 harvesters in a field. They get attacked by a tank, which kills two of the tanks. The third tank escapes due to a misaimed shot. The surviving harvester returns to base and runs it''s debriefing while being repaired (if injured, then get repaired is a predefined script fo the Harvester). It comes up with the observation that if a tank appears then you''ll lose 3/4ths of your harvesters (2 dead + 1 injured). That observation gets queued up for the harvester''s commander.

At the end of the level, the commander get the time to go through it''s queue of observations and sees the one about Harvesters getting killed by Tanks. He in return issues a new command to all Harvesters: If you see an enemy tank, then head home. The commander also passes up a message that the enemy tanks can do at least 20 HP damage (the HP of the harvester).

The Game AI sees the mesage about the tanks capabilities and tells all commanders that they need to increase the armor on all units. The next level, the game AI may realize that it''s had an increase in killings of it''s light units (like scouts), and order their armor lessened to increase their speed.

This could limit your loss of processing time by using the NNs, by using low stress time to do that processing. Then dynamically determine when there''s not a lot going on.

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