MD2 Using OpenGL Model OK Skin SNAFU

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-1 comments, last by MountainLion2 20 years, 3 months ago
I need some help...I have a 3D terrain model of Mars...greyscale heightmap with a texture overlay...Now I want to put models of the landers in. When I used the MD2 models that come with OpenGL Game Programming, they looked good, moved right and skin was right. When I put in my own model in, the model looks good, but the skin isn''t right. The skin on the model has these weird black strips that run through it. This same texture covers the entire model, which it shouldn''t, the only texture that does look right is the top, but it shows signs of z-fighting. I''ve checked the model with a MD2 viewer and it looked fine. Any Idea''s?

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