[java] graphics.disopse()???

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-1 comments, last by himifire 20 years, 3 months ago
I''ve written a draw(g) method in a non-component hand class that is called by the parent frame''s paint(g) method. Heres my problem if i call the g.dispose() at the end of the method the program wont draw the next hand(the frame calls two draw mthods one after another for two seperate objects) and if i don''t call the g.dispose() the program uses all the memerory on the system and gets an error....whats wrong with the method? the call to g.dispose is used right as far as i can tell. Heres the code. public void draw(Graphics gg) { if(handSize() == 0) return; // INIT FIELDS g =(Graphics2D) gg; int xx = x; int yy = y; card[] cards = new card[handSize()]; Image[] cardImages = new Image[handSize()]; int cardW = 0; int cardH = 0; for(int i = 0; i < handSize(); i++) { cards = getCard(i); cardImages = cards.getImage(); } cardW = cardImages[0].getWidth(parent); cardH = cardImages[0].getHeight(parent); AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); // DRAW CARDS for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { if(cardImages == null || cardImages.getWidth(parent) <= 0) { return; } at.setToTranslation((double)xx ,(double)yy); g.drawImage(cardImages, at, parent); xx += cardW + space; } // heres the problem g.dispose(); } </i> DADDY LONG LEGZ HERE! novice java programmer :-)feel free to email me or my SN for AIM is JHHIM
___________________________________________________________ DADDY LONG LEGZ HERE! novice java programmer :-)feel free to email me or my SN for AIM is JHHIM

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