Direct3D9: Failed to create driver surface

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-1 comments, last by Boris Karloff 20 years, 2 months ago
Greetings! Whilst experimenting with D3D9, I''ve hit an annoying snag I just can''t seem to solve. Here''s the deal: I''m testing this thing on an 800x600 desktop resolution. Running a windowed or fullscreen app with a backbuffer of 640x480, using autodepthstencilling with a D16 DSBuffer works fine, no problems at all. Trying to run, either windowed or fullscreen, with a backbuffer of 800x600, gives me heaps of errors:

Direct3D9: (INFO) :======================= Hal SWVP device selected

Direct3D9: (INFO) :HalDevice Driver Style 6

Direct3D9: :Subclassing window 0006017c
Direct3D9: :StartExclusiveMode
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Failed to create driver surface
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Error during initialization of surface. CreateRenderTarget/CreateDepthStencil failed
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Failure trying to create automatic zstencil surface. CreateDevice Failed.
Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Failed to initialize Framework Device. CreateDevice Failed.

Direct3D9: :DoneExclusiveMode
Direct3D9: :INACTIVE: 00000514: Restoring original mode (800x600x22x60) at adapter index 0
Direct3D9: :Unsubclassing window 0006017c
I''m assuming that the error lies in the depth/stencilbuffer, since that''s what the errors tell me. Also, when I disable autodepthstencilling, everything works fine. The strange thing about all this is that the caps viewer tells me a DS format of D16 at 800x600 and the specified backbuffer format should be fine. Also, the CheckDeviceFormat and CheckDepthStencilMatch methods succeed, suggesting that my choice of depth buffer is fine. The code doesn''t fail until it reaches the actual CreateDevice() method. Who can tell me their thoughts on this matter? I''m not positive, but I''m pretty sure that when using DX8.1 this particular depth buffer format was not a problem... Has anything changed with DX9 that I should know about, in this regard? Any ideas what can be done?
Nein heer du smign. ah open up the nine im heer du shmine

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