How to create a 3D ring with fire effect on it?

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3 comments, last by squall_gunblade83 20 years, 2 months ago
I''m currently doin a project which require us to create a 3D ring with fire effect on it. It will just look like the ring is on fire, what are the things i have to look into? Thanks
Jz wan to learn more about OpenGL
what are the things i have to look into

How to render rings, how to render fire.

You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
IF you already have your fire generator then just place each particle generator, depending how much space in between each generator in a translation to something like this.
for(int loop=0; loop<360; loop++){   //glPushMatrix();   glTranslatef(cos(loop), sin(loop), z);   GenFire(...);   //glPopMatrix();} 

This is for 2D.

To generate fire there are several good articles on Gamedev that will help you.
Never done it myself...and with a nickname like Fahrenheit you would think I had..hehe, but I have been impressed with the Fellowship of the Ring contest entries on NeHe. Plenty of fire and rings there for you to get ideas from.

My useless 0.02yen...
I would just create a particle generator where the particles originate from a random point on the ring and fly up a bit, getting smaller and perhaps fading out.
The Love Of Trees

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