Poligons in a game.

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4 comments, last by Mastadex 20 years, 1 month ago
Im designing a relitively simple engine, and it is going to be a racing game eventually. i was wondering what limits on poligons should i set per screen (comparing it to games like UT). im still a beginner and i dont know all that much about optimization.
Optimizations should be the last thing on your mind.

If your game is running at 1 FPS, then consider optimizing your code a bit. Always make use of a profiler, so you''re optimizing the right things, as well. Theres zero point in spending 2 hours making a for loop .0001 second more efficient because you ''think'' its the source of your problems.

Half-Life had roughly 600 - 800 polygons for the scene (what you could currently view, not the entire level) and 400 - 700 polygons per model.

But I stress, worry about speed last, not first.
Im not trying to optimoze it yet, i just need a reference point to make all my models. howmany polies per vehicle....etc
< 1500.
quote:Original post by GroZZleR
< 1500.

1500? Maybe 4 years ago.

Of course, it depends on your target system, what you are rendering, and how you are rendering it, but 20,000 polygons in a scene is a low number these days.

I have a terrain renderer that renders a terrain with over 3 million triangles. Culling and LOD reduce that to only about 20,000 actually rendered. It runs at a dismal 30 fps, but that is probably due to the number of DrawPrimitive calls (about 1000), and not the number of triangles. My system is an AMD 1.5GHz CPU and an ATI 9800 video card.
John BoltonLocomotive Games (THQ)Current Project: Destroy All Humans (Wii). IN STORES NOW!
Im not trying to optimoze it yet, i just need a reference point to make all my models. howmany polies per vehicle....etc

< 1500 per MODEL, as he asked =P

Obviously 1500 for the entire scene is peanuts.

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