Shader System Questions

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113 comments, last by cyansoft 20 years ago
After reading all the various threads relating to the implementation of a dll based shader system I decided to give it a go.
Ive made a test shader in a dll but im having trouble getting it to work (this is the the first time ive used dll''s)...
Ive created an abstract base class which the dll instanciates, the base class has some tools ala the design proposed in this and the other thread.

Basically, im having trouble figuring out a way of keeping the dll small... I can make it all work if i link in all the main engine stuff, but this is not desirable. Is there a way to access the engine states/etc from the dll without including it all in the dll?
Load the dll at runtime, that way you don''t have to link with the lib. This''ll decrease the build size by quite a margin.

You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
i do load it at runtime...
I''m having the trouble when compiling the dll. I''m always getting linking errors. e.g when i call one of the tool functions...which say, subsequently calls the renderer or something.. it gives errors because its trying to link into the renderer through the tools and its not there. I just cant think of how to seperate this!
btw..sorry about the anonymous stuff, i cant seem to create an account, i dont receive the email!!
Pass an interface class of the main engine to all DLLs. If you use class-pointers all over the place, then you won''t have to link in anything.

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