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8 comments, last by Nizro 20 years, 2 months ago
I''ve got a "little" performance-problem here... I have a bunch of models, which have like 20 textures each, and as I see it, this should really slow things down, because it would have to switch texture that many times, right? Now, my models are in .x-format (I have them in .obj as well, if that''s usefull), and I would really like to hear, if anyone knows a program for merging the textures into one, and then also fix the texture-coordinates in the .x-file? I know that this would give a little unprecission in the texture-coordinates, but I don''t really care - Nizro
Noone? :/
Well, if it''s impossible to find anything for .x, .obj or any other popular model format...


- Nizro
Well sounds like you''re asking how to skin a model. place all your textures in 1 texture, and use the modelling program to stretch/rotate/etc them in the right way...
No, that''s NOT what I''m asking for...

What I want, is a program that can just do the job of making everything into one texture, and then fix the texture-coordinates on my model... hate manual work...

I have like 20 models, so, you see? :/

I use a qtip-plugin for 3dsmax which can convert to md2 (quake2) model and place all textures in 1 output file.

If you still want to stick to .x you have to make something yourself, I guess?
That one might be usefull to me :D

Can you give me a URL?
Ah, found it
Well, doesn''t work with gmax... crap
I''ve never heard of a program that takes all the textures on your model, merges them into one big texture, and keeps all the textures in the right spot. What you''re asking for is the Holy Grail of game modeling. Believe me, about a year ago, me and my artist were frantically looking for a solution to this very same problem. We had 20 starfighters we needed to get textured nicely and we were currently using about 10 textures for each one (veeeery slow). We were forced to find a solution that would allow us to use one texture and make it look like the model was actually using 10. We quickly discovered that there is no program that does what you describe.

What you need to do is merge all your textures into one yourself and then skin your model by setting up the texture coordinates by hand. Caligari''s trueSpace and especially gameSpace both have very good skinning tools that you should learn to use. I know it''s not what you want to hear, but that is the only way you''re gonna get the results you''re looking for.

Ryan Buhr
Reactor Interactive, LLC.

Ryan Buhr

Technical Lead | Sector 13

Reactor Interactive, LLC

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