SetDlgItemTex is gonna crazy

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1 comment, last by Coluna 20 years, 1 month ago
Hi; In my code i use some visual studio 6 components (edit box and so on), outside a MFC project...but now when the code reaches a line of code, this one SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_TEX_BUMP, temp); where temp is a array [256] of char, the execution jump to another part of my code!! very strange...did anybody had see it before?
Does the char array have a terminating NULL character? If it doesn''t, then I''m guessing that Windows is reading past the buffer, and that can cause VERY weird stuff to happen. Many viruses exploit buffer overflows to do what they want, but I have no clue exactly how they do that.
You sure that is the correct handle to the window and resource ID?

And as mentioned above, check if the string is NULL terminated.

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