Projects using OpenGL?

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29 comments, last by Metus 20 years ago
One "project" that keeps opengl in the gaming community is Doom3 and it''s faboulus visual effects. Something did hit me yesterday when i looked at some E3 movie of doom; there are a few known OpenGL applications that is REALLY good looking. Direct3D got S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Farcry (even tough it had an OpenGL Renderer) and Halflife2. Can someone please notify me of more jaw-dropping projects that''s using OpenGL?
You do know that it hardly matters what API you use, don''t you? Just stating the obvious before this has to get closed as an API vs API thread....

Lone Wolves Game Development
Sander Maréchal
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i guess he knows, but cause of the total variety of shader/grafic demos, showing that dx9 ''is'' cool, even if they are just some sort of *ohh i''ll make my crap look good*-demos, they attract much ppl, starting in the scene. bc ogl doesn''t have this super-hyper-great bullshit, many guys think that they could do much better things with dx than with ogl, though ogl runs on ''allmost'' every machine, has the ability to be modulated (extensions) and can easyly reach the same effects, those ppl are going (or are allready in progress) to learn dx instead of ogl. Its hard for me to see the oglcommunity diing out at the moment. i think the autor of this tread wanted to find some reasons to stay with ogl...
teh Quake series use OpenGL...


"one of these days im going to cut you into little pieces!!" - Pink Floyd
quote:Original post by James Sioutis
teh Quake series use OpenGL...

api independent

MindEngine Development
HLSL has FX Composer.

I hate to use something that will only work on Windows... but come on. It makes my job way easier, as do most of DirectX''s lovely tools.

MindEngine Development
Neverwinter nights uses OpenGL. Like Sander said, it's not really about the API. You can achieve the same effect with both.

quote:Original post by neurokaotix
quote:Original post by James Sioutis
teh Quake series use OpenGL...

api independent

Not true. Quake 2 and Quake3 only support OpenGL (Quake 2 also has a SW renderer). Quake 1 uses a software renderer or OpenGL if you use GLQuake.

Games that use the Quake engines (such as HalfLife) are often made API independent, but the original games are most definitely OpenGL.

[edited by - benjamin bunny on May 4, 2004 11:42:39 AM] | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

quote:Original post by benjamin bunny
Not true. Quake 2 and Quake3 only support OpenGL (Quake 2 also has a SW renderer). Quake 1 uses a software renderer or OpenGL if you use GLQuake.

Wasn''t there a Glide renderer for Q2 as well as a pure OpenGL one?
quote:Original post by OrangyTang
Wasn''t there a Glide renderer for Q2 as well as a pure OpenGL one?

Nope, not as I remember (but my memory is quite broken ). 3Dfx supplied a "MiniGL" driver for their boards (actually an OpenGL-to-glide wrapper), so people could play OpenGL-only games like Quake and Quake2. It was only implemented a small subset of the OpenGL specification, just enough to get Quake running.

-- Rasmus Neckelmann
quote:Original post by Sander
You do know that it hardly matters what API you use, don''t you? Just stating the obvious before this has to get closed as an API vs API thread....

Yes i know that result isn''t API-specific, it''s just that there are so many demos presenting the raw power of Direct3D (shaders) but hardly any demos for OpenGL.

As someone said; Quake and other games using the different Quake-engines is are OpenGL based, but today these engines are VISUALLY lame.

As I said, there are a lof of software that''s using Direct3D; games like Farcry, Painkiller and the upcoming S.T.A.L.K.E.R and benckmark programs like 3DMark200x and Aquamark.

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