HTML Question

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13 comments, last by SSJCORY 19 years, 11 months ago
When i load an image which is supposed to be my banner I get a space between the banner and the top of the page. How do i eliminate that and make the image at the top of the page. Heres the website shit:

<head><title>Cory''s Page</title></head>
<body bgcolor = "black">
<img src="banner.bmp">
Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You shall not pass!|Smeagol: We don''t need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You cannot pass!|Smeagol: We don't need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
<html><head><title>Cory''s Page</title></head><body bgcolor = "black"><div style="position:absolute;top:0"><img src="banner.bmp"></div></body></html>

First make it work, then make it fast. --Brian Kernighan

The problems of this world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men and women who can dream of things that never were. - John Fitzgerald Kennedy(35th US President)

Do not interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. - Napolean Bonaparte
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I think that''s the way. That''s how I did mine.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a life time."
-Chinese Proverb - Experience Wisdom
Thanks that worked

Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You shall not pass!|Smeagol: We don''t need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You cannot pass!|Smeagol: We don't need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
Another question how do I make a link appear in a new window?

Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You shall not pass!|Smeagol: We don''t need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You cannot pass!|Smeagol: We don't need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
<a target = "_blank" href = "">somelink</a> 

[edited by - JohnyB on May 8, 2004 12:45:09 AM]
Thanks johny i knew i saw it like that somewhere i just couldn''t remember exactly how to do it.

Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You shall not pass!|Smeagol: We don''t need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
Favorite Quotes:Gandalf: You cannot pass!|Smeagol: We don't need you!|Sloth: Hey you guys!|
Another possible solution to your first problem is to set the padding of the page to 0 using CSS (but the first solution works just fine and neither is really better than the other AFAIK).

CSS Tutorial

- Jason Astle-Adams

But a solution to all your problems is to grab an HTML reference!
quote:Original post by CaptainJester
<html><head><title>Cory's Page</title></head><body bgcolor = "black"><div style="position:absolute;top:0"><img src="banner.bmp"></div></body></html>

Or just set margin to none.


Edit: W3 HTML Specs

[edited by - Jason Zelos on May 9, 2004 7:06:31 AM]

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