Engine for Audiogames

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-1 comments, last by PPH 20 years ago
Hello! A group of friends and I are starting an academic project which will last about nine months. We''re planning to make an engine for audiogames. The games made with this engine will have no graphics. Instead, they have an audio interface, which will be provided by a set of 5.1 surround speakers and a an haptic interface, which will be provided by a force feedback joystick. The ideas is that the players guide themselves by perceiving the position of sounds and by the force feedback effects. This kind of games is especially useful for blind people. There are a number of games for blind people, but they say those games are not much fun. The engine is targeted towards two kinds of users: -experienced programmers -unexperienced programmers, who may want to make games in an easy way. The engine itself will be a kind of framework/class library, which will allow experienced programmers to extend the provided classes in order to add new features. The framework will provide functions for audio and haptics handling, as well as some basic handling of elements such as object, scenario and character handling. There will be a map editor in which users will be able to edit a 2D grid in which they can define walls, floor, etc. They can create different kinds of surface, and assing effects to those surfaces. Each square of the grid must have a kind of surface (e.g.: stone wall) and can have an audio effect and an haptic (force feedback) effect, so that, for example, if the player bumps into a wall, a sound is heard throush the speakers and a bump is sensed through the force feedback joystick. Once finished, the engine is expected to be available for free download and a net community is expected to rise around the engine, so that the development of this kind of games is made easier, increasing the offer of games for blind people. I''m posting this here, because, as game developers, I assume some of you can give us some nice ideas on what kind of feature would be desirable, both in the framework and in the map editor. Therefore, any suggestions are more than welcome :D I''ll be very grateful for any suggestions. Cheers! PPH

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