A firm starting point

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3 comments, last by JMOmandown 19 years, 12 months ago
I have previously read the books sections for beginners, but I was looking to get some more information on what worked best for other people. In you opinion what''s the best book to start out with to learn C/C++. Now let me specify best, I mean the easiest to understand without giving up quality for that ability to be easily understood. Also let me go ahead and thank you all in advanced!
these are the books i used when first starting out like five or six years ago

teach yourself c++ in 21 days
win95 programming in c & c++
programming and problem solving with c++
c++ for dummies
windows game programming for dummies
the c++ programming language
I accually have c++ for dummies, but I find that it steers off course quite often, also the content is for beginners but it seems it is written for a person familar with C++ to understand
There is no better learning then by doing examples and gaining knowledge.. :b I mean you should make something out of what you know, I hope you know how to do memory management, basic, you should be able to recite that book like a poem if you want to move onto harder stuff, because if you don''t then what will the point of using easy with hard techniques be if you can''t even write simple things.. gl
Actual Linux penguins were harmed in the making of this message.
Look for a book called Accelerated C++

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