Good Books?

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4 comments, last by AugustusMagnus 23 years, 8 months ago
I am a computer science major and thus fairly competent at C++. I have never used Direct X, but am very interested in making games. I was wondering if you guys could suggest what two books I should buy to get me started. I was kind of thinking one could get me started on 2D, while another might cover 3D topics. Thanks for the advice. Augustus
Haven''t gotten it yet, but I hear Tricks of the Windows Programming Gurus is good to bridge the gap between the boring text stuff and graphics. Worth a look
Tricks of the Windows Game Programming gurus is great, but, I''d wait for the second volume to come out. It won''t be that long till it does...
Why, what''s better? Haven''t heard that a new one was on the way, sorry
the second volume is gonna cover D3D i think, so you should probably start with the first one to learn 2d stuff

then for a 3d book, it depends if you wanna learn D3D(direct3d) or opengl

if you wanna learn opengl, try the OpenGL Superbible or the official guide to learning opengl(known as the red book)

as for D3D... i dunno
Thanks for the advice guys.

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