Is there anybody...out there? (GUIs)

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5 comments, last by Daniel Benmergui 23 years, 7 months ago
I am trying to come up with a GUI (C++) design for my team... What we need is a comfortable set of classes to work with regarding user interfasing. We need an easy way to make our game''s interfases without reworking everything from project to project. To solve this, i initially tried to emulate MFC framework, but so far, i am unable to simplify it without making a full blown framework!. I read the article on GUI design by Mason (here in GameDev) but i don''t fully understand how the client uses the system he proposed. I am looking for someone who is actually working on something like this, or someone who knows where can i find information or libraries. I will use DirectDraw (or Direct3D or DirectGraphics) but i want to be able to port it to OpenGL. Thanks everybody! Daniel.
Wouldn''t it be possible to come up with a bunch of simple functions for the simpler things like message boxes? Just make a function that gets passed a string as a parameter and use DD to do the rest. For the more compicated things like full blown windows (a la Unreal Tournament) make more complex functions that take various parameters for width/height/pictures/labels, etc. It would probably take a while to get it all working, but it is the easiest way I know of, and I eventually plan to use it.

Check out fltk at

It is a GUI framework that is multiplatform and supports OpenGL and Direct3D

Even if you want a custom GUI, you can pattern the API after this one, as it is simple and straightforward.

I must totally agree with Mr. Moe about this issue.

Keep It Simply Stupid.

Despotismo AKA Javier Otaegui
Sabarasa Entertainment
Despotismo AKA Javier OtaeguiSabarasa
Perhaps, if I ever come up with a very good library of functions for a GUI, I will let everyone know. They will be free and open source, so good GUIs for all!

Everyone is writing a GUI based on a set of classes. I don''t understand why. Sure, classes seem great for the whole window hierarchy, but for games even the most complex GUIs aren''t complex enough to write a full blown GUI system based on classes. My idea is to write a GUI system that is based on an extremely simplified version of HTML, so you can layour ur stuff the way you want, and change the GUI without recompiling. A very simple java-script interpreter will take care of "mouse over" / "mouse out" events, showing and hiding layers, etc.

Where did I go wrong?
Ya se lo que pensas vos, Javier...

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