Where to start a project?

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2 comments, last by ApochPiQ 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi everyone, Okay, so I have an idea (a good one I reckon). It is just me involved at the moment, I have graphic design and web skills. I now need to find a game programmer who wants to join me on this project. I've tried the Help wanted section but no joy so far.(http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=254518). So whats the next step? How can I get in touch with the sort of people who may be in a position to help? If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated! Thanks
maybe let us know what the project is. ie. give us an outline of what you think the game will be about and what genre ect.
that could encourage more people to think about helping cause it may create more interest.

Probably not a popular response in these forums, but ask yourself if you really need a programmer.

Can you use Flash to create your game? How about mod an existing game? (UT2004 can create some pretty impressive things without touching a line of code!). Sometimes you'll even see adds for "GameMaker" type programs, which can often require minimal amounts of programming.

As an aspiring amature game programmer, I tend to find artists to be the most difficult to have join a project (when offering no $$$). Bad programmers/dreamers are all too often eager to join. Good programmers are often very reluctant to join (mostly due to the bad programmers/dreamers).

Proof that you can do something, even with Flash shows that you are somewhat serious. This will go a *long* way in getting capable programmers to help you (note: same goes for programmers looking for artists).
Help Wanted is generally the best place for this kind of thing, but good, dependable programmers are hard to come by these days, especially if there isn't definite money involved. I don't want to be harsh, but everyone thinks that they've got a good idea that could make serious money [wink] I like to say that ideas by themselves aren't worth anything - it is the ability to take an idea and make it happen that is valuable.

I can't speak for anyone else, but personally, reading your Help Wanted entry really doesn't grab my interest. I can appreciate that you don't want to give away your idea, because there's always the risk that someone else will take it and "get there first" so to speak. However, you'll probably have a lot better luck attracting people to your project if you have more details of what exactly you're intending to do. It will probably also help if you can show some examples of your own work and skills, and demonstrate that you are committed to working on this project and getting it done. Knowing that you won't bail halfway through, or leave the volunteers to do all the work, will go a long way towards enticing people to join up.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

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