2 quaternion questions

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8 comments, last by Ainokea 19 years, 10 months ago
1) Where is a quaternion camera tutorial and 2) why are quaternion better then just using radions? (if thats what they replace in a normal camera)
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
radians are measures of an angle, like degrees. quaternions replace euler angles and matrices for determining rotational orientation. look in the Articles & Resources section of this site probably in the Math section (but maybe physics or some other category). there are links to several quaternion tutorials/ ah, and they are "better" than euler angles because they do not suffer from gimabl lock ( the symptoms of gimbal lock are a sudden flipping about one axis, but you can google for more info ).

See the article in my profile.
Quote:Original post by xg0blin
See the article in my profile.

where do i look in your profile?
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
the little button at the bottom of a persons post called "Profile" :-D
C_C(Enter witty/insightful/profound remark here...)
I mean like inside your profile is the article listed in one of your posts or something?
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
Don't beat yourself up trying to learn all about them at first. I still only have a general understanding of them and use them quite extensively. I would suggest learning how to rotate and apply them to matrices. Learn axis-rotations, or rather, learn how to perform an axis-rotation. Like many other things, I believe they will make themselves clear after you begin to need more and more functions in your rotations.

They are a pretty advanced math topic.
Quote:Original post by wannabe 1337
I mean like inside your profile is the article listed in one of your posts or something?

No, it's an article I submitted to gamedev.net some time back, called "A Simple Quaternion Based Camera". It's listed in my profile.

EDIT: You're right, it seems they've taken the submissions out of our personal profile. Damnit, I guess I'll go dig it up for you then. Gimme a minute.
Here it is then. I wrote this a while back, so there may be something newer or better out, I dunno. Anyways, here you go:

A Simple Quaternion-Based Camera

ADMIN TYPES: Why did you take out the feature of our profile where it lists our submissions to the forums?
Thanks everybody
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.

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