Using COM1

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6 comments, last by dave 19 years, 10 months ago
Hello guys. I want made an electric circuit, you can see it in the image below. I connected it to COM1. I made a program that reads from COM1, but it reads only 0. I also tried with a serial mouse, and the program worked. So, the circuit is the problem. Please help.
Does your com1 device interface with the the port properly, how are you doing this.

I did a project at uni that involved messaging between computers throught the coms, have you opened and set teh port attributes properly for the port?
I'll paste here some code:
char g_buffer[1024];

DCB config;
g_COM1 = CreateFile("COM1", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);

GetCommState(g_COM1, &config);
config.BaudRate = 9600;
config.StopBits = 0;
config.Parity = 0;
config.ByteSize = 8;
SetCommState(g_COM1, &config);

comTimeOut.ReadIntervalTimeout = 3;
comTimeOut.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 3;
comTimeOut.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 2;
comTimeOut.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 3;
comTimeOut.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 2;


ReadFile(g_COM1, g_buffer, 1024, &n, NULL);
When I print g_buffer, and using a remote control that points to FT, I get only 0. It works with a serial mouse. I also opened the mouse and pointed with the remote control inside it, and it works.
ok well im gonna post the entire program i wrote at uni for you to have a look at, it was a message communication program for a ring network,m hope it helps

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	Ring Network Instant Messenger////	File:	MAIN.cpp////    Date:	31st March 2004////    Auth:	David Lovegrove////	Desc:	This is a simple program that can transmit messages to any particular////			user that is logged in to the ring network. A copy of this program////			must be running for every computer wired in to the network although no////			user has to be logged on because all messages are forwarded.////	Advc:	Currently the menu options have to be entered correctly. No error ////			handling for the menus is functional.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <conio.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <windows.h>#include <winbase.h>// stores the ID of the loval userchar LocalUserID;// stores the id of everyone who is onlinechar OnlineUserArray[26];// Some global flags to keep track of various non-state operationsbool PacketToSend				= false;bool LocalUserLoggedIn			= false;bool SendLoggedInMessage		= false;bool SendLogInAcknowledgement   = false;bool SendLoggedOutMessage		= false;bool SendDataMessage			= false;bool SendMessageAcknowledgement = false;bool SendGenericPacket			= false;bool DisplayFullPacketContents  = false;bool ExtendedMessaging			= false;bool MenuBeingUsed				= false;HANDLE		hComPort;DWORD		dwError;char RecipientOfAck;char RecipientOfNextMsg;char MessageToSendArray[10];// A buffer of 10 DPacket copieschar LastDPacketSent[10][16];// A structure that will form an array to store recieved messages so that theycan be printed// to the screen after every menu has been displayedstruct PACKETBUFFER{	bool DisplayMessage;	char bPacket[16];};// the arrayPACKETBUFFER mBuffer[10];// A structure that will forma an array to store messages that have return a nack// Define some global states and a state tracking variable//KeyBoard States#define KEYLOGGEDIN			1#define KEYLOGGEDOUT		2//Transmit States#define TRANSMITTING		1#define	NOTTRANSMITTING		2//Recieve States#define RECIEVING			1#define NOTRECIEVING		2int KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;int TransmitStateTracker = TRANSMITTING;int RecieveStateTracker  = RECIEVING;bool		DrawOnMenu   = true;bool		DrawOffMenu  = true;char		InPacket[16];char		OutPacket[16];int			iPacketArrayMember;void menuLoggedIn();bool DisplayBufferContents(){	int i;	int j;	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)	{		if (mBuffer.DisplayMessage == true)		{			printf("\t%c Says : ", mBuffer.bPacket[2]);			if (DisplayFullPacketContents == true)			{				for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)				{					printf("%c", mBuffer.bPacket[j]);				}			} 			else 			{				for (j = 4; j < 14; j++)				{					printf("%c", mBuffer.bPacket[j]);				}			}			printf("\n");		}		else		{			printf("\n");		}	}	return true;}bool InitialiseBuffer(){	int i,j;	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)	{		// a check will be performed on this variable and the message will not be		// displayed if the contents of the Display variable is 		mBuffer.DisplayMessage = false;		// clear the packet data		for (j = 0; i < 16; i++)		{			mBuffer.bPacket[j] = ' '; 		}	}	return true;}bool AddNewMessageToBuffer(){	// code to loop through the message buffer and select the next place to enter a message	// first see if the buffer is full	int  bufferCount = 0;	bool FoundNextEmpty = false;	int  ElementToUseID  = 0;	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)	{		if (mBuffer.DisplayMessage == true)		{			bufferCount++;		}	}	// Test the bufferFull variable and act according to putting the new message in the next	// empty slot or shifting them all along and putting it into the first	if (bufferCount != 10)	{		// loop through to find next enpty one		for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)		{			if (FoundNextEmpty == false)			{				if (mBuffer.DisplayMessage == false)				{						// found the next empty one					ElementToUseID = i;					mBuffer.DisplayMessage = true;					i = 0;					FoundNextEmpty = true;				}			}		}		if (FoundNextEmpty == true)		{			// manual copy for the time being			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[0]  =  InPacket[0];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[1]  =  InPacket[1];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[2]  =  InPacket[2];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[3]  =  InPacket[3];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[4]  =  InPacket[4];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[5]  =  InPacket[5];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[6]  =  InPacket[6];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[7]  =  InPacket[7];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[8]  =  InPacket[8];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[9]  =  InPacket[9];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[10] =  InPacket[10];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[11] =  InPacket[11];			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[12] =  InPacket[12];					mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[13] =  InPacket[13]; 			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[14] =  InPacket[14]; 			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].bPacket[15] =  InPacket[15]; 			mBuffer[ElementToUseID].DisplayMessage = true;			// set i to 10 so that it drops out on the next iteration		}			}	else if (bufferCount == 10)	{		// code to rotate the buffer so that a space at the front is created		// and the bottom element is lost		mBuffer[0]  = mBuffer[1];		mBuffer[1]  = mBuffer[2];		mBuffer[2]  = mBuffer[3];		mBuffer[3]  = mBuffer[4];		mBuffer[4]  = mBuffer[5];				mBuffer[5]  = mBuffer[6];		mBuffer[6]  = mBuffer[7];		mBuffer[7]  = mBuffer[8];		mBuffer[8]  = mBuffer[9];		mBuffer[9]  = mBuffer[0];		// now place the new message in element 0		mBuffer[9].bPacket[0]  =  InPacket[0];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[1]  =  InPacket[1];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[2]  =  InPacket[2];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[3]  =  InPacket[3];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[4]  =  InPacket[4];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[5]  =  InPacket[5];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[6]  =  InPacket[6];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[7]  =  InPacket[7];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[8]  =  InPacket[8];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[9]  =  InPacket[9];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[10] =  InPacket[10];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[11] =  InPacket[11];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[12] =  InPacket[12];				mBuffer[9].bPacket[13] =  InPacket[13]; 		mBuffer[9].bPacket[14] =  InPacket[14];		mBuffer[9].bPacket[15] =  InPacket[15];	}		return false;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	InitiatePort()////	Params:	char *device////	Desc:	This funcion initialises the com port with the name passed to it from////			main() vis the *device parameter. This function makes all input non-////			blocking.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////bool InitiatePort(char *device){	COMMTIMEOUTS	noblock;	DCB				dcb;	int				fSuccess;	hComPort=CreateFile(device,GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL);	if (hComPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)	{		dwError = GetLastError();		printf("INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE()");	}		fSuccess = GetCommTimeouts(hComPort, &noblock);	noblock.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;	noblock.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = MAXDWORD;	noblock.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;	fSuccess=SetCommTimeouts(hComPort,&noblock);		fSuccess = GetCommState(hComPort, &dcb);	if(!fSuccess)	{		printf("GetCommState Error!\n");		return false;	}	dcb.BaudRate = 9600;	dcb.ByteSize = 7;	dcb.fParity = TRUE;	dcb.Parity = EVENPARITY;	dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;	dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE;	dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE;	fSuccess = SetCommState(hComPort, &dcb);		if(!fSuccess)	{		printf("SetCommState Error!\n");		return false;	}	return true;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	ClearPacketArrays()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	Is called from main during initialisation and is used to clear all////			packets and fill them with blank spaces.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int ClearPacketArrays(){	int count;	for (count = 0; count < 17; count++)	{		InPacket[count]		= ' ';		OutPacket[count]	= ' ';	}	return 1;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	ReadCom()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	Reads the next single character from the com port.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int ReadCom(){	char item;	unsigned long ni;	BOOL fsuccess;	fsuccess = ReadFile(hComPort,&item,1,∋,NULL);	if (ni == 1) return item;	else return 0;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	DisplayMessageFromPacket()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	Called by the dissassemble packet function once the type of packet recieved////			has been identified. Depending on the menu option "4. Display Full ////			Packet Contents -" can display the entire packet or just the message.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void DisplayMessageFromPacket(){/*	int i;	printf("\n%c Says : ", InPacket[2]);	if (DisplayFullPacketContents == true)	{		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)		{			printf("%c", InPacket);		}	} 	else 		for (i = 4; i < 14; i++)		{			printf("%c", InPacket);		}	printf("\n");*/}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	ForwardPacket()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	Called by the dissassemble packet function once the type of packet recieved////			has been identified. Is used to copy the packet recieved to the packet////			ready to be sent.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void ForwardPacket(){	OutPacket[0] =	'{';	OutPacket[1] =	InPacket[1];	OutPacket[2] =	InPacket[2];	OutPacket[3] =	InPacket[3];	OutPacket[4] =	InPacket[4];	OutPacket[5] =  InPacket[5];	OutPacket[6] =  InPacket[6];	OutPacket[7] =  InPacket[7];	OutPacket[8] =  InPacket[8];	OutPacket[9] =  InPacket[9];	OutPacket[10] = InPacket[10];	OutPacket[11] = InPacket[11];	OutPacket[12] = InPacket[12];			OutPacket[13] =	InPacket[13]; 	OutPacket[14] = InPacket[14];	OutPacket[15] = '}';}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	DisassemblePacket()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	Once a packet has been fully recieved in DealWithRecievedCharacter(),////			this function is called to opereate according to the type of packet.////			Is also used to control the application of the ExtendedMessaging function.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void DisassemblePacket(){	int converted;		if ( InPacket[3] == 'L')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			if (ExtendedMessaging == true)				DisplayMessageFromPacket();			if (MenuBeingUsed == false)			{				menuLoggedIn();			}			if (InPacket[1] == LocalUserID)			{				// by doing nothing here, the packet is not being forwarded so is effectively				// being deleted			}			else			{				// convert to ascii value				converted = (int) toupper(InPacket[1]);				// Fill user log in table for appropriate user				OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = InPacket[1];				// Send an acknowledgement packet				SendLogInAcknowledgement = true;				// Forward the packet				ForwardPacket();				SendGenericPacket = true;					// Code to add the recieved message to the buffer				AddNewMessageToBuffer();			}		}		else		{			ForwardPacket();			SendGenericPacket = true;			}	}	else if( InPacket[3] == 'R')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			if (ExtendedMessaging == true)				DisplayMessageFromPacket();			if (InPacket[1] == LocalUserID)			{				// convert to ascii value				converted = (int) toupper(InPacket[2]);				// Fill user log in table for appropriate user				OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = InPacket[2];			}			else			{				ForwardPacket();				// Code to add the recieved message to the buffer				AddNewMessageToBuffer();				SendGenericPacket = true;				}			// Tell the transmitting loop to send it on			if (MenuBeingUsed == false)			{				menuLoggedIn();			}		}		else		{				ForwardPacket();				SendGenericPacket = true;			}			}	else if( InPacket[3] == 'X')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			if (ExtendedMessaging == true)				DisplayMessageFromPacket();			if (InPacket[1] != LocalUserID)			{				AddNewMessageToBuffer();				// convert to ascii value				converted = (int) toupper(InPacket[1]);				// Fill user log in table for appropriate user				OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = '_';				// forward the login packet on				ForwardPacket();				SendGenericPacket = true;				}			if (MenuBeingUsed == false)			{				menuLoggedIn();			}		}		else		{			ForwardPacket();			SendGenericPacket = true;		}				}	else if( InPacket[3] == 'D')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			// Check to see if i'm the recipient			if (InPacket[1] == LocalUserID)			{				AddNewMessageToBuffer();				// Data payload packet ie a message to be displayed to the screen				// Then send an acknowledgement packet to the author				DisplayMessageFromPacket();				// Set the global variable that will hold the recipient of the acknowledgemnt packet				RecipientOfAck = InPacket[2];				SendMessageAcknowledgement = true;			}			else			{				// Construct a copy of the recieved packet to forward on				ForwardPacket();				SendGenericPacket = true;					// Tell the transmitting loop to send it on			}			// now update the menu providing it isnt being used.			if (MenuBeingUsed == false)			{				menuLoggedIn();			}		}		else		{			SendGenericPacket = true;				ForwardPacket();		}	}}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	DealWithRecievedCharacter()////	Params:	char iInCharacter, bool *RunFlag////	Desc:	Every time readcom() finds a character on the com port this function ////            is called to detect the start and end of packets.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////bool DealWithRecievedCharacter(char iInCharacter, bool *RunFlag){	if (iInCharacter != 0)	{		if (iInCharacter == '{')		{			iPacketArrayMember = 0;			InPacket[iPacketArrayMember] = iInCharacter;			iPacketArrayMember++;		}		else 		{			InPacket[iPacketArrayMember] = iInCharacter;			iPacketArrayMember++;			if (iInCharacter == '}')				return true;		}			}	else	{	}	return false;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	CompilePacketToSend()////	Params:	char PacketType////	Desc:	Every time a packet needs to be sent for any reason this fuinction is////			called and the packet type that is described to it using the parameter////			is constructed.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int CompilePacketToSend(char PacketType){	if (PacketType == 'L')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		char string[11] = "Logged In ";		strcpy(&OutPacket[4],string);		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'X')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		char string[11] = "Logged Out";		strcpy(&OutPacket[4],string);		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'R')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	InPacket[2];;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		char string[11] = "LOGIN ACK ";		strcpy(&OutPacket[4],string);		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'D')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	RecipientOfNextMsg;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		OutPacket[4] =	MessageToSendArray[0];		OutPacket[5] =  MessageToSendArray[1];		OutPacket[6] =  MessageToSendArray[2];		OutPacket[7] =  MessageToSendArray[3];		OutPacket[8] =  MessageToSendArray[4];		OutPacket[9] =  MessageToSendArray[5];		OutPacket[10] = MessageToSendArray[6];		OutPacket[11] = MessageToSendArray[7];		OutPacket[12] = MessageToSendArray[8];				OutPacket[13] =	MessageToSendArray[9];		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'Y')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	InPacket[2];		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		char string[11] = "+ ACK     ";		strcpy(&OutPacket[4],string);		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'N')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	RecipientOfNextMsg;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		char string[11] = "- ACK     ";		strcpy(&OutPacket[4],string);		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	return 1;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	SendPacket()////	Params:	char PacketType////	Desc:	After the packet that needs to be sent has been constructed using the////			above function, this functions is called to push the packet to the port//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int SendPacket(){	unsigned long ni;	BOOL fSuccess;	fSuccess = WriteFile(hComPort,OutPacket,16,∋,NULL);	if (ni == 16 ) 		return 0;	else 		return 1;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	LogOut()////	Params:	bool *pRunFlag////	Desc:	This function is called when the user selects the log out menu option.////			It switches all of the necessary variables back to the logged out settings.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void LogOut(bool *pRunFlag){	int converted;	converted = (int) LocalUserID;	OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = 1;	LocalUserID = ' ';	PacketToSend				= false;	LocalUserLoggedIn			= false;	SendLoggedInMessage			= true;	SendLogInAcknowledgement	= false;	KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	menuLoggedOut()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	This function displays the GUI for when the user is logged out.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void menuLoggedOut(){	system("cls");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t======       Not Logged In       ======\n");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t 1. Log In\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t 2. Exit\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t Enter Choice: ");}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	menuLoggedIn()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	This function displays the GUI for when the user is logged in. The if////			statements ensure that the correct current setting is shown for the ////			toggleable options.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void menuLoggedIn(){	system("cls");/*	printf("\nOnline Contacts: ");	for ( int i = 0; i <26; i++)	{		printf("%c", OnlineUserArray);	}*/	// below is the menu items mixed with the users logged in on the right	printf("\t===========MESSAGE SCROLLER============\n");	DisplayBufferContents();	printf("=======");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("Online=");	printf("\t======      Logged in as %c       ======\n", LocalUserID);	printf("Users:=");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	//printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c=", OnlineUserArray[0], OnlineUserArray[1], OnlineUserArray[2], OnlineUserArray[3], OnlineUserArray[4], OnlineUserArray[5]);	printf("\t 1. Log Out\n");	printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c=", OnlineUserArray[6], OnlineUserArray[7], OnlineUserArray[8], OnlineUserArray[9], OnlineUserArray[10], OnlineUserArray[11]);	printf("\t 2. SendMessage\n");	printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c=", OnlineUserArray[12], OnlineUserArray[13], OnlineUserArray[14], OnlineUserArray[15], OnlineUserArray[16], OnlineUserArray[17]);	printf("\t 3. Display Full Packet Contents -");	if (DisplayFullPacketContents == true)	{		printf(" ON\n");	}	else	{		printf(" OFF\n");	}	printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c=", OnlineUserArray[18], OnlineUserArray[19], OnlineUserArray[20], OnlineUserArray[21], OnlineUserArray[22], OnlineUserArray[23]);	printf("\t 4. Use Extended Messaging -");	if (ExtendedMessaging == true)	{		printf(" ON\n");	}	else	{		printf(" OFF\n");	}	printf("%c%c    =", OnlineUserArray[24], OnlineUserArray[25]);	printf("\t 5. Exit\n");	printf("=======");	printf("\n");	printf("\t Enter Choice: ");}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	Name:	main()////	Params:	NONE////	Desc:	Called upon application start up by windows. Calls all initiation ////			functions. It also contains the main loop using a state-based ////			architecture.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int main(){	int			hr;	char		CharacterRead;	bool		RunFlag = 1;	bool		*pRunFlag = &RunFlag	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)	{		MessageToSendArray = '-';	}	for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)	{		OnlineUserArray = '_';	}	// When the app starts  no user will be logged in	if ( ( hr = InitiatePort("COM2") ) == false )	{		printf("Initialising The Port FAILED!\n");	}	else	{		printf("Initialising The Port SUCCEEDED!\n");	}	printf("Clearing Packet Arrays...\n");	if ( ( hr = ClearPacketArrays() )== 0 )	{		printf("Clearing Packet Arrays FAILED!\n");	}	else	{		printf("Clearing Packet Arrays SUCCEEDED!\n");	}	// Draw menu	menuLoggedOut();	// Initialise the message buffer so that it is clear	InitialiseBuffer();	while(RunFlag)	{		//KEYBOARD		switch (KeyBoardStateTracker)		{			case KEYLOGGEDOUT: //If not logged in locally just track network users and pass on packets			{				// Check of user logging in				if ( kbhit() )				{					// Allocate memory for user selection					char CharacterRead;					while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )					{						menuLoggedOut();					}										if (CharacterRead == '1')					{						//printf("Log In Here: ");						while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n')						{							menuLoggedOut();							printf("\n\n\t Capital Letter ID --> ");						}												int converted;						// convert to upper case value						converted = (int) toupper(CharacterRead);						if ( (converted >= 65) && (converted <= 90) )						{							InitialiseBuffer();							// Declare that im logged on in my log table							OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = toupper(CharacterRead);							// Establish that im logged in							LocalUserLoggedIn = true;							// Set Local User ID to newly signed in user							LocalUserID = toupper(CharacterRead);							// Switch to log in routines							KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDIN;							// Display the logged in menu							menuLoggedIn();							// clear the buffer ready for use							// Dont send again							SendLoggedInMessage = true;						}						else						{							printf("\n Invalid ID");							menuLoggedOut();						}					}					else if (CharacterRead == '2')					{						RunFlag = 0;					}				}				break;			}			case KEYLOGGEDIN:			{				if ( kbhit() )				{					MenuBeingUsed = true;					// Allocate memory for user selection					char CharacterRead;					while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )					{						menuLoggedIn();					}					if (CharacterRead == '1')					{						int ConvertedValue;						// convert to ascii value						ConvertedValue = (int) toupper(LocalUserID);						// Declare that im logged on in my log table						OnlineUserArray[(ConvertedValue-65)] = '_';						// Establish that im logged in						// Switch to log out routines						KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;						// Tell the transmitter to send a logged out packet						SendLoggedOutMessage = true;						// Display the logged out menu						menuLoggedOut();						// Clear the buffer ready for the next log in						LocalUserLoggedIn = false;					}									else if (CharacterRead == '2')					{						int ItemInMessageArray = 0;						printf("\n\n\t Recipient ID: ");						while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )						{							menuLoggedIn();							printf("\n\n\t Recipient ID: ");						}						RecipientOfNextMsg = CharacterRead;						RecipientOfNextMsg = toupper(RecipientOfNextMsg);											int converted2 = (int) toupper(RecipientOfNextMsg);												printf("\t 10 Char Message: ");						for (ItemInMessageArray; ItemInMessageArray < 10; ItemInMessageArray++)						{							while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )							{								menuLoggedIn();								printf("\n\t Recipient ID: %c", RecipientOfNextMsg);								printf("\n\t 10 Char Message: ");							}														MessageToSendArray[ItemInMessageArray] = CharacterRead;						}						if ( OnlineUserArray[(converted2-65)] != toupper(RecipientOfNextMsg) )						{							printf("\t**ERROR**User Does Not Exist!");							SendDataMessage = false;						}							else						{							SendDataMessage = true;							menuLoggedIn();						}					}					else if (CharacterRead == '3')					{						if (DisplayFullPacketContents == true)							DisplayFullPacketContents = false;						else							DisplayFullPacketContents = true;						menuLoggedIn();					}					else if (CharacterRead == '4')					{						if (ExtendedMessaging == true)							ExtendedMessaging = false;						else							ExtendedMessaging = true;						menuLoggedIn();					}					else if (CharacterRead == '5')					{						RunFlag = 0;						int ConvertedValue;						// convert to ascii value						ConvertedValue = (int) toupper(LocalUserID);						// Declare that im logged on in my log table						OnlineUserArray[(ConvertedValue-65)] = 0;						// Establish that im logged in						LocalUserLoggedIn = false;						// Switch to log out routines						KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;						// Tell the transmitter to send a logged out packet						SendLoggedOutMessage = true;						// Display the logged out menu						menuLoggedOut();					}				}				MenuBeingUsed = false;			}		}		switch (TransmitStateTracker)		{			case TRANSMITTING:			{				if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)				{					if (SendLoggedInMessage == true)					{						// Pass the packet type of L to create a log in packet						CompilePacketToSend('L');						// Transmitt the log in packet						SendPacket();						SendLoggedInMessage = false;					}					else if (SendLogInAcknowledgement == true)					{						// Send Aknowledgement packet back to sender only if the						// sender isnt myself DO THIS BIT LATER						CompilePacketToSend('R');						SendPacket();						SendLogInAcknowledgement = false;					}					else if (SendMessageAcknowledgement == true)					{						CompilePacketToSend('Y');						SendPacket();						SendMessageAcknowledgement = false;					}					else if (SendDataMessage == true)					{						CompilePacketToSend('D');						SendPacket();						SendDataMessage = false;					}					else if (SendGenericPacket == true)					{						SendPacket();						SendGenericPacket = false;					}				}				if (SendLoggedOutMessage == true)				{					CompilePacketToSend('X');					SendPacket();					SendLoggedOutMessage = false;				}				break;			}			case NOTTRANSMITTING:			{			}		}		switch (RecieveStateTracker)		{			case RECIEVING:			{				bool bResult;				CharacterRead = ReadCom();				bResult = DealWithRecievedCharacter(CharacterRead, pRunFlag);				if (bResult == true)				{					DisassemblePacket();				}				break;			}			case NOTRECIEVING:			{			}		}	}	return 0;}

PS rating boost methinks :P


Ok, I think my program is good, but I think the circuit is the problem. Probably, you used a normal serial cable.
yer i did
My circuit has 5V between RxD and GND when the light is off, and 0V when it is on. My program reads just 0, when it passes from 5V to 0V
Do you know the layout of the COM pins?

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