Site Redesign: Physics Tutorial + Vector Class + ...

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2 comments, last by baskuenen 23 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gamedev folks. I''ve redesigned my site, and uploaded it today. Some old stuff is dropped - new stuff is added:
  • Brand new Physics tutorial. About gravity, and perfect plane collision detection & response using 2nd degree equations. Math Equations, Source Code & Demo Included. Check it out: Physics I - Gravity
  • Complete C++ CVector class. Full source code. If you don''t have a vector class yet - a must see Vector Class
  • Lots of other stuff & source. Including a Plane Class and a Matrix Class
  • For more: Hope you like it, - Bas
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    First of all I want to thank the people at here, for putting this in the news

    Because of this news (and also on and I got a lot of people visiting my website.

    I also want to thank everybody who visited

    As result I got a uge amount of email.
    A few of these emails were from companies offering me a job Thanks to them too

    And one email from, who will be hosting my site in a few days I will get back on this, but my future address will be:

    So thanks again to everybody who made this a GREAT day for me

    Well done Bas!

    It looks like you have really captured some attention - and it is truely deserved.

    So, when you go off with one of those head-hunters, please continue to drop by GameDev....



    Edited by - 3dModelMan on September 29, 2000 8:07:28 PM
    I will be on until I die.
    After that, I''ll be on
    Or if I coded too many bugs

    I''m addicted. Nothing I can do about it

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