Concerning message boards

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2 comments, last by Psepha 24 years, 7 months ago
Well, we have tried to regulate that somewhat ourselves. Usually, the original question gets answered after one or two replies, and everything after that tends to stray off topic. TAN suggested a policy of closing all threads that get to a certain length, and got heavily flamed for the proposition. If people were to regulate this themselves, it would be appreciated, although only moderators and admins can close threads right now.
*Sigh* Point taken - Still winds me up when people flame someone who is trying to give them something? Surely something wrong here (hey peeps - they dont actualy HAVE to do this you know?)
Anyway - Thanks for the feedback.
*Snuffles back to the couch clutching the tissues and cold remedies by the sackful*
Not sure if this was the right place to put this but I find some of the message board usage a bit of a pain - User X requests help in getting function Y working. There are 1500 responses so it takes the creaking old valve driven modem an age to download (actualy its ISDN so I don't know where the slow bit is coming from - have to get one of those net sniffer thingies). When you get to the bottom (or about 10 messages from the top but the conversation is rambling after this) the User X posts'Thanks very much for your help - works fine now!' doh!

Would it be too much for User X to close the thread after posting this? One more keypress?? I deleted a message of mine today as i fixed the problem about 10 mins after posting (awards himself a gold star for being tidy then rips it off for being so stupid in the first place) and its really not that difficult.

This is NOT a dig at anyone who runs or maintains this excellent site - but isn't there anywhere people could be requested to tidy up after themselves? Makes the boards so much easier to plough through if you are looking for people who may need help in an area you may know.

Anyway the raiser can close the thread? I assume it is similar code to deleting the thread and that appears to be available. Just another thingy in the wossname

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