What do these errors mean

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21 comments, last by MPG 19 years, 8 months ago
Quote:Original post by MPG
You see when I fix an error,add new code,or add a new variable it returns an error about somthing that compiled earlyer or somthing like this: ; is missing befor coord.

ya, but as mentioned in your threads before, the ';' missing before blah error does not mean that there is a problem with that line. it just means that somewhere earlier (almost always on the previous line) there is an error. it's the compiler's best guess.

anyway, folks MPG is definitely not a troll. I do believe you (MPG) are working on things too advanced for you at the moment, but that's your own choice. and, yes, folks i have been around for most of these threads. if "stupid" questions annoy you, just pass them by.

Quote:Original post by MPG
FOR THE LAST TIME! I uderstand c++ but STUPID visual c++
keeps giving me error about the placement of stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And yes, I do forget stupid stuff,but that dose not GIVE YOU THE RIGHT to asume that I'm a troll!!!!!!!!!!

Quote:Original post by MPG
You see when I fix an error,add new code,or add a new variable it returns an error about somthing that compiled earlyer or somthing like this: ; is missing befor coord.

dude, no offense, but you obviously DO NOT understand the basics of C++, if you dont know how to fix an error about a missing semi-colon. go back to learning the basics of C++ before you try to make graphics... im not trying to be rude... im trying to help you
FTA, my 2D futuristic action MMORPG
DUDE,I fix the errors,but I'm trying to tell you why the semi colons are like that.

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