3D Modellers

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20 comments, last by FireNet 19 years, 8 months ago
Can someone please give me pros and cons of some free 3d modellers? I have no money, so I can't really but 3DSMax...
The two I have tried. (not much, but I hope it's helpful)

Blender: Hard to get used to, but very powerful

Anim8or: Easy interface, somewhat powerful
The two most common ones are blender3D and Milkshape3D (which is shareware actually, $20).

Blender is extremely powerful and exports to a few formats that are easily converted to anything you need. It has an extremely weird UI, so that may take a little getting used to.

Milkshape is also very powerful. It has a large user population, so there are lots of plugins and exports formats. It is very easy to use and vaguely resembles the UI of the commercial modellers.

I personally prefer Milkshape, but I only tried blender once, so it may be more for you. There are only a few others that I know of, Wings3D for one.

Note: DO NOT USE GMAX. GMax is a very nice modeler (a stripped down 3DSMax), but it only exports to specific file formats that cannot be converted. It is only to be distributed with a game to make modding it a bit easier.

Edit: Ah yes, forgot anim8or (thanks jmutch). It has a similar layout to Milkshape, but seems a little less powerul. While it can export objects to .3ds files, I don't think it supports exporting animations (correct me if I'm wrong).
Sean Henley [C++ Tutor]Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
I use Blender, Wings3d, and Truespace.

Blender, even though it has a screwy interface becomes quite easy to navigate once you get used to it. Very powerful.

Wings3d, quite possibly my favorite modeler. Easy to use, very intuitive.

Truespace, a little older but but also powerful and you can download the full version for free at Truespace 3.2

Sorry about the AP post. And the address for the Truespace is

Truespace 3.2

Steven Bradley .:Personal Journal:. .:WEBPLATES:. .:CGP Beginners Group:. "Time is our most precious resource yet it is the resource we most often waste." ~ Dr. R.M. Powell
Here is the link for Milkshape which I highly recommend. It has a 30-day trial period, so you can test it out before paying $20US.
From the information above, Blender is tbe best. I don't have money for Milkshape! I've never heard of Wings3D before...is it worth learning?
Quote:Original post by CodeTitan
I've never heard of Wings3D before...is it worth learning?

It is free and a small download. It is absolutely worth trying. I love it. If you like it, just another tool in the box. If you don't like it, uninstall it and be done with it. Try it, I don't think you will be disappointed.

Here is a helm I made with it. Not the best in the world but then again, neither are my graphics skills, but wings made it easy.

Steven Bradley .:Personal Journal:. .:WEBPLATES:. .:CGP Beginners Group:. "Time is our most precious resource yet it is the resource we most often waste." ~ Dr. R.M. Powell
I'm leaning towards Wings and blender...is this a good idea?
I used to use Wings3d. It's really easy to learn and it allowed me to progress in modelling faster than anything else. Exporting between Wings3d and Blender and doing all that stuff can get tedious. It's mainly on the Blender side because you have to download python scripts for input output and you have to learn its awful interface. I gave up and downloaded the 3ds Max trial, because you can do everything in one program. Once that runs out I'll use GMax because I'm just using the software to learn how to use it, not to put anything into games(at this point at least). At the beginning you won't even need the texturing and uv mapping. You'll just be trying to get your modelling skills down.

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