Creating a texture form array ????

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4 comments, last by Crazy Chicken 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi I am currently working on some procedural texture generation code. I have an one dimensional array which holds all my new texture data. How can I dynamically create a texture using this data. I am aware of a function in OpenGL called glTexImage2D. Is there something like this in DirectX ? Thx Luke
Use D3DXCreateTexture to create an empty texture, then lock the texture (pTexture->LockRect()) , write your data and unlock it.
Be sure to use the correct pixel format.

Good luck,
Thx I understand how it works but I am still not very comfortable with DirectX. Could you maybe be a little more specific please.

No problem:

LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 CreateTexture(const int w, const int h, const void *data) { LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 result = 0; // create 32 bit ARGB texture, no mipmaps. if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTexture(g_pDevice, w, h, 1, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC,    D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,    D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, // <- just read that dynamic textures don't work with managed pool    &result)) {    return 0;  }   // lock the texture to access pixel data.  D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;  if (FAILED(result->LockRect(0, &lockedRect, 0, D3DLOCK_DISCARD)) {     result->Release();     return (result = 0);  }  // copy data.  LPBYTE textureData = static_cast<LPBYTE>(lockedRect.pBits);  const BYTE * sourceData = static_cast<const BYTE*>(data);  const int stride = w * 4;  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {      memcpy(textureData, sourceData, stride);      textureData += lockedrect.Pitch;      sourceData += stride;  }   // unlock the texture.  result->UnlockRect();  return result;)

From the top of my head - please don't shoot me if it blows up your box [lol].


[edit]Fixed broken code[/edit]
Ah well - some comments on the code snippet above.
It assumes DX9 but should work equally on DX8 (just change result's type to LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8).

g_pDevicve is the pointer to your D3D device instance.
The function will return a newly created texture if everything works. You can specify width and height of the target texture (w and h parameters) and pass your generated texture data in.

The for loop takes care about copying data. It is done line by line since the created texture might have a different line pitch than the pixel width you've specified.

If you want to re-use the texture you can modify the function a little (e.g. not creating a new texture but locking and filling an aexisting one).

Note that the function does not check for NULL input data.

Hope this helps (and the code won't blow your machine[wink]),
That's exellent !!!! Thanks a lot for the quick reply. Can continue coding now :)


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