Good College Projects

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7 comments, last by Preacher 19 years, 8 months ago
Hi in last year of a software eng degree and i'm a bit stuck for project ideas, would really appriciate any good suggestions
what's your experience?
How about: "Real time fluid dynamics simulation using networked PCs"?

Your question is a bit vague. How much time do you have to develop the project? How competent at programming are you? I assume that by posting here, games are acceptable projects (but would probably get less merit than a more academic project).

Possible projects: A BASIC interpreter (I wrote a basic system, based on the ZX Spectrum basic, for Unix in my penultimate year at university), AI systems (i.e. graphical demonstration of various AI methods: flocking, route finding, etc), a molecular modelling program (requires intuitive GUI to edit molecules and 3D molecule representation), a GUI system to create SQL queries and display results.

I could think of more.

Sorry! my expierence is mostly in Java up to now and java bindings to OpenGL (Xith3D). developed a 3D chess game last year which turned out well but AI was very basic. Have a good theortical grounding in C++, but not v much experience, but planing to address that this year as want to develop in Linux with C++ and possibly use OpenGL but i'm flexable:)
Very interested in AI systems would be very interested in deeloping a small AI "world" where creatures can interact or something like the AI used in Black & White, Belief - Desire AI. But from what little i know about this subject i think that could be a bit to much to bite off right now.

I have from now until mid April to develop the project
Quote:Original post by Preacher
Very interested in AI systems would be very interested in deeloping a small AI "world" where creatures can interact or something like the AI used in Black & White, Belief - Desire AI. But from what little i know about this subject i think that could be a bit to much to bite off right now.

I have from now until mid April to develop the project

Well, there you go then. Sounds like a good project to me. :)

Now just read up on it a bit, make some simplifications if you fear it'll take too long, and you're set to go. :D
Would like to hear more about flocking from skizz as i'm also considering some sort of flocking and route finding AI as i do think that the Black & White style AI would to too much for me. I was thinking an ant simulation would be an easy option or something along those lines??
Well, good old Google provides many interesting reads if you enter "flocking algorithm" together with some sites that have Java applets (the third result was to do with ants!).

This project lends itself to OO very nicely - each entity in the herd is an instance of some base type. You then need a 3D world for the objects to live in (complete with obstacles) and a GUI system to allow the behaviour of each object to be tweaked on the fly.

Nice one ;) will do me a bit of research then. Thanks all

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