GDI + OpenGL

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4 comments, last by PinguinDude 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I'm new to game tools design, and I'd like to know if there is any tutorial online that can show me how to join windows icons/menus/tabs with OpenGL (like in 3d Studio, or some game editors like UT editor) Thanks in advance, ManTis.
If only noobs were boobs... the world would be a better place.
You just need to give OpenGL a context to render to. You can put this inside your window where you want it :). It's simple.
damn... so far I've only developed under FreeBSD and i hate this window context thingies :P

it's like: i create a child window inside my application, and get it's context and render to it, right? or wrong?

seen any (even simplest) code on net? I've just to see it done and I'll get it ;P
If only noobs were boobs... the world would be a better place.
Quote:Original post by EliteWarriorManTis
it's like: i create a child window inside my application, and get it's context and render to it, right? or wrong?

You got the right idea
I've found great link. If anybody will be having the same problem:
(How to make an MFC application with an OpenGL viewport)
If only noobs were boobs... the world would be a better place.
It may be a good idea not to use MFC :o It's really harder then WinAPI. <-- you know you wanna see my 2D Engine which supports DirectX and OpenGL or insert your renderer here :)

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