pbuffer questions

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4 comments, last by JavaCoolDude 19 years, 7 months ago
I've been trying to get pbuffering working, but I'm running into many problems, and I have a few questions. I'm implementing a cg raytracer and I need 128-bit textures and pbuffer. I quickly realized that I had to call wglShareLists() to be able to use textures in the pbuffer and regular context. Then I read that if I share contexts, the pixelformat for each must be the same. That means I can't get 128-bit pbuffer, since it must be the same as the frame buffer. Therefore I must create all my 128-bit textures while the pbuffer is the current context, and not use wglShareLists() and I will be limited to only using those textures in the pbuffer. Am I understanding this correctly? After I render something to be pbuffer, I want to store the result in a texture. I know I can bind the pbuffer as a texture and draw with that, but does it actually copy the data from the pbuffer to the texture, or just use the pbuffer data as the texture data? I need to copy the data to a texture, I'm currently using glCopyTexImage2D(). Will this work correctly? My images are GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV:GL_FLOAT_RGB(A)32_NV. I assume it does work, but I'm getting all black textures. I haven't found solid answers to these questions anywhere. If anyone could shed some light on these questions, I'd appreciate it.
You can use these files taken straight from my own Scenegraph :)

  pixelBuffer.initialize(TCMSize,TCMSize, 24, 0,                         PBUFFER_RGBA              |                         PBUFFER_FORMAT_FLOAT      |                         PER_CHANNEL_COLOR_BITS_32 |                         PBUFFER_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE);

PS: in my scenegraph, I have a class called GLTexture which can be associated with a PBuffer to avoid an expensive glCopy.

void GLTexture::bindAttributes(){  if(!TexturesManager::bindTexture(textureIndex))  {    if(textureID > 0)    {      glEnable(textureType);      glBindTexture(textureType, textureID);    }    else    {      return;    }   }   if(pBuffer)  {    wglBindTexImageARB(pBuffer->getPBufferHandle(), WGL_FRONT_LEFT_ARB);  }  doTransform();   snip...}

void GLTexture::associateWithPBuffer(GLPBuffer *buffer){  pBuffer = buffer;}
Thanks for the link.
In your pbuffer code, you use wglShareLists(). Does that mean the pbuffer can only have the same pixelformat as the framebuffer? You couldn't get a full 128-bit pbuffer that way, can you?
Dude, wglShareLists allows the sharing of Texture/VBO/Shaders object, I don't think it's got anything to do with the pixel format itself now does it...
I guess not. That's one of that questions I asked above. I wasn't sure because I've read a couple of conflicting posts.

I've got a 128b pbuffer, and 128b texture. I draw to the pbuffer, then copy the data via glCopyTexImage2D() (yes I know it's slow, but I'm just trying to get things working before I speed it up). The resulting texture only has 32b presicion. This is where I'm stuck/confused. any ideas why it is doing this?

  pixelBuffer.initialize(texWidth, texHeight, 24, 0,                         PBUFFER_RGBA              |                         PBUFFER_FORMAT_FLOAT      |                         PER_CHANNEL_COLOR_BITS_32 |                         PBUFFER_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP  |                          PBUFFER_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE);  texture128B.setID(TextureLoader::loadEmptyTexture2D(texWidth, texHeight, GL_FLOAT, GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI));

    static int loadEmptyTexture2D(GLint width     = 128,                                  GLint height    = 128,                                   GLint type      = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,                                  GLint inFormat  = GL_RGBA8,                                  GLint format    = GL_RGBA,                                   GLint clampS    = GL_REPEAT,                                   GLint clampT    = GL_REPEAT,                                   GLint magFilter = GL_LINEAR,                                  GLint minFilter = GL_LINEAR){      Logger::writeLogDataList("<+>Loading Empty Texture2D: Width %d, Height %d.\n",                               width, height);      GLuint       textureId;      glGenTextures(1, &textureId);      glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId);      glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, clampS);      glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, clampT);      glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, magFilter);      glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, minFilter);      glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,                   0,                    inFormat,                   width,                    height,                   0,                   format,                    type,                    NULL);      return textureId;    }

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