What friggen undefined native types?

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2 comments, last by ShadowP13 19 years, 7 months ago
It doesn't matter what I'm trying to compile (my own code, sample code online, whatever) if it involves DirectX I get the same errors. Have I forgot a header or somthing? I've not been able to find much documentation on using Managed DirectX with C++. What does it mean?!?! Here's one or two of them: error C3635: 'Microsoft.DirectX.PrivateImplementationDetails::IDirect3DDevice9': undefined native type used in 'Microsoft::DirectX::Direct3D::Device'; imported native types must be defined in the importing source code error C3377: 'Microsoft::DirectX::Direct3D::Device::.ctor' : cannot import method - a parameter type or the return type is inaccessible
Believe it or not, the idiot is learning.
Ok... this ia apparently a problem that anyone using the 2004 summer directX sdk and Visual Studio 2003 C++ .net would have. I just uninstalled the sdk and went back to a previous version and I'm having no problems.
Believe it or not, the idiot is learning.
No, it's just you, and from the look of things you're missing an assembly reference or three.
Well, it's not just me, but it's possible the other people I talked to were just as stupid as I am :P When doing somthing as simple as creating the device, how many assemblies could possibly be required? I already just added everything even remotely DirectX relavent to my project. And to top that off, I'm confused about why the same code just suddenly started working when I went to an older version of the DirectX 9 sdk. Have function calls for most common things been drastically changed in 2004 sdk? (if so, the sdk documentations don't reflect that). I'm not trying to say that unmanged directX didn't work, that worked fine, but I was trying to use managed directX.
Believe it or not, the idiot is learning.

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